Sunday, 26 September 2010

Virgin of Naju

Virgin of Naju
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the statue
In the small town of Naju located near the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula, Our Lady began giving urgent messages and signs to Julia Kim. On June 30, 1985, Our Lady's statue owned by Julia began weeping tears, and on October 19, 1986 it began weeping tears of blood. Until January 14, 1992, the statue wept for a total of exactly 700 days. The tears of blood were tested and found to be human blood. Now the statue has been giving fragrant oil. Julia has been given a "garment of fragrance". So, Julia is surrounded by the sweet fragrance of roses. Also, when she kisses a rosary or simply holds it in her hands for a few seconds, it becomes fragrant.
Julia also often undergoes severe pains for the conversion of others and in reparation for abortions and other sins in the world. Several times, she received the Stigmata while suffering the pains of Crucifixion. She has been allowed to experience Eucharistic miracles. Many people, including priests witnessed that the Sacred Host Julia received was turning light brown first and then being covered with blood. Many people began firmly believing in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist because of these miracles.
The Blessed Mother's purpose in Naju is to awaken us, with her messages, from our spiritual complacency and insensitiveness so that we may truly practice the teachings in the Gospels and revitalize our traditional Catholic faith and devotion. She urges us to begin living a life of prayers, humility and love so that the devil's grip over our world may be broken and a new era of peace and love under the reign of Christ may begin. She is asking us to become little children of hers, completely consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. She has invited everyone to offer fervent prayers (especially the Holy Rosary) and sacrifices and to pray for and support the Holy Father, bishops and priests, as they are ministers of Christ.
For the purpose of defeating the proud and defiant fallen angel, God has chosen a loving mother, a humble handmaid of His, as He promised right after the fall of our first parents (Genesis 3:15). In the Virgin Mary chosen as the Mother of the Saviour, God is contrasting every perverted nature of the devil with her virtues, which are a reflection of His own infinite Love and Goodness. She is never an obstacle in our worshipping God, as many of us still mistakenly believe.
She is rather a concrete realization of God's Love and Mercy for us, always leading us to Him. The warmth of her motherly bosom, her loving and healing touch, her constant concern for us, and her ardent prayers for us are in reality God's gifts for us.
The devotion we have toward Mary should not be just a lip-service. As St. Louis De Montfort stated in his book: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (#44, #32), God has chosen her to be treasurer and dispensatrix of all His graces. All His graces and all His gifts pass by her hands ..... Since Mary has formed the Head of the predestined, Jesus Christ, it pertains to her to form also the members of the Head, who are the true Christians ... She has received from God a special power to nourish souls and to make them grow in Him.
St. Augustine and St. Louis De Montfort further said, she is the mould or the model according to which God forms the elect. One must be marked with Mary's seal and reproduce her characteristics to have a place among those loved by Our Lord.
Mary is also the helper to her Son Jesus in saving the world (the Co-Redemptrix) and a good example to us, as all of us are being called to participate in Christ's redemptive work through prayers and sufferings. In his encyclical: Jucunda Semper (Sept. 8, 1894), Leo XIII stated that Mary was associated with Jesus in the painful work of the redemption of mankind. St. Pius X calls her "the repairer of the fallen world" and continues to show how she was united to the redemptive work of her Son (Ad diem illum, Feb. 2, 1904).
An early example of Mary's intercession on our behalf was the miracle at the wedding in Cana. Even though it was still too early for Jesus to perform a public miracle, He did not refuse His Mother's request. In the 16th Century, the Catholic missionaries were not making much progress in evangelizing the Indians or ending the horrible practice of human sacrifices in Mexico. Through a special intervention by means of messages and a miraculous image of hers on Juan Diego's tilma, she obtained a conversion of almost 10 million Mexican Indians to the Catholic Faith.
Now in modern times when the devil has spread his influence all over the world and even infiltrated the Church, she seems to be determined to carry out and accomplish God's Plan of Salvation entrusted to her by God by defeating the devil once and for all. Her campaign against the devil in modern times began in Paris, France, in 1830, when she gave us the Miraculous Medal through St. Catherine Labouré. The images on the medal clearly describe her as the Woman with twelve shiny stars as her crown (Revelation 12), radiating the light of mercy upon us, and crushing the head of the serpent with her heel. The image of Mary's Immaculate Heart being pierced with a sword along with the Sacred Heart of Jesus being pressed by a crown of thorns reminds us of the role of the Blessed Mother as the Co-Redemptrix. The year: 1830 inscribed on the globe under Mary's feet marks the beginning of the modern Marian Age, at the end of which she will achieve the victory.
During the past one and half centuries since 1830, the Blessed Mother has appeared at Lourdes, Fatima and other places around the world, teaching and admonishing us with her messages, healing us spiritually and physically, and invigorating us with more graces so that we may fight more courageously in the battle against evil.
In this last part of the 20th Century, when the devil is leading humans to unprecedented moral decays and loss of faith, the Blessed Mother is giving us an amazing abundance of supernatural signs, messages and graces at a small, insignificant-looking city of Naju at the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula. Monsignor Matias Perez Merino, a theologian from the Vatican, visited Naju in the summer of 1990 and said that Naju was the synthesis of all of the Marian messages. The Blessed Mother herself has called Korea her youngest child implying that her signs in Naju are the last ones (according to Julia). Several times Our Lady has predicted that her victory and light will spread to the entire world from this small land of Korea made fertile with the blood of so many martyrs.
The following is a summary of the major signs in Naju
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Julio Father Spies and Julia
700 days of tears. Our Lady shed tears and tears of blood for a total of exactly 700 days (between June 30, 1985 and January 14, 1992) through her statue owned by Julia Kim and her family in Naju. Samples of the tears of blood were tested in the medical laboratory of Seoul National University and were found to be human blood. Our Lady has said that she weeps constantly for every one of us because of our repeated failures to love God and love each other, because of numerous innocent babies being killed in their mothers' wombs, and because of the many souls who refuse to repent until the end and fall into eternal perdition.
700 days of fragrant oil. Fragrant oil flowed from the head of Our Lady's statue in Naju for 700 consecutive days (November 24, 1992 to October 23, 1994). While the oil was flowing from the statue, many people around the world received small pieces of cloth from Julia that had absorbed the oil. In addition to the fragrant oil, the Chapel in Naju frequently becomes filled with a powerful fragrance of roses and, sometimes, lilies. Julia herself has been given the grace of fragrance of roses surrounding her all the time. Our Lady has said that this fragrance represents her presence among us and her love and friendship for us.
Mystical sufferings and the Stigmata of Julia. Even before the weeping of Our Lady's statue began in 1985, Julia saw a vision of Jesus suffering and bleeding profusely on the Cross for the redemption of all the sinners. So moved by her love for the Lord, she asked Him to allow her a life of sufferings. This prayer was granted and Julia suffers severe pains frequently. She also received the Stigmata while suffering the pains of the Crucifixion. After a while, Julia prayed that the wounds become invisible, because they attract too much attention from others. This prayer was also granted. So, Julia continues suffering, but the wounds are not visible at this time.
Like the Blessed Mother's, Julia's life is a powerful example to all of us to participate in Our Lord's Work of redemption, as what was completed in the Head of the Mystical Body of Christ must also be accomplished in Its members (Colossians 1: 24).
Eucharistic Miracles. The foundation for our belief in the New Testament era is that God became man and dwells among us - the Incarnation of the Second Divine Person. While hidden from the eyes of the world, Christ, true God and true man, reveals Himself to us, teaches us, forgives our sins and nourishes us spiritually through His Church. Christ is present and at work in our world at this very moment through the Sacraments and the priesthood in the Church. He is also present through the grace in each of the souls who follow Him.
Especially, in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the full person of Christ with His body, blood, soul and Divinity is present and alive. In the Eucharist, Jesus is hiding His glory and power behind the appearance of bread and wine, because He wants us to approach Him for our love for Him and not for any benefits we may get from His glory and power. As the shepherds and the Magi came and paid homage to the poor Baby lying in a manger at Bethlehem, Jesus wants us to be poor in spirit and pure in intentions when we come to Him.
The clouds of errors and loss of faith have covered the minds of many, however, and the awesome reality of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist is not clear to them any more. The practice of frequent Confessions in preparation for Holy Communion has also disappeared in many parishes. It is no surprise that this weakening of the belief in God's Incarnation has occurred simultaneously with the neglect toward the Blessed Mother, as she is the channel through which the Incarnation occurs and the Mother who nourishes and protects the Baby - the Incarnate Person. Whenever we desert the Blessed Mother, we are also going to lose the clear perception of God's Incarnation among us.
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Virgin of Naju crying blood
Now, it is no surprise again that the Blessed Mother, in Fatima, Garabandal, Betania and now in Naju, gives us most powerful signs to awaken us to the True Presence of her Son in the Blessed Sacrament. In addition to her messages, Our Lady has given us Eucharistic Miracles seven times so far through Julia in Naju. In the first six of them, the Sacred Host that Julia received during Mass turned into visible flesh and began bleeding in her mouth and this was witnessed by hundreds of people and was photographed and videotaped. The locations and dates of these miracles as well as the celebrants of the Mass are as follows:
(1) Holy Rosary Church in Naju on June 15, 1988
(2) Holy Rosary Church in Naju on May 16, 1991
(3) At Mass in a hotel room in Rome, Italy, on June 1, 1992 (Julia was in severe pains and was not able to go to church.)
(4) The church in Lanciano, Italy, on June 2, 1992
(5) Holy Rosary Church in Naju on September 24, 1994
(6) St. Anthony's Church in Kailua, Hawaii, November 2, 1994
(7) The Chapel in Naju on November 24, 1994.
(8) Naju Parish Church on June 30, 1995
(9) The Chapel in Naju, (Seven Sacred Hosts came down) on July 1, 1995
(10) The Chapel in Naju, (One of the even Sacred Hosts turned into Flesh and Blood in Julia's mouth) on July 2, 1995
(11) On the mountain near Naju on September 22, 1995
(12) Vatican City on October 31, 1995
(13) The Chapel in Naju on July 1, 1996
(14) Cathedral in Sibu, Malaysia on September 17, 1996
(15) Naju Parish Church on October 19, 1996
The 7th Eucharistic Miracle occurs in Naju for the whole Catholic Church
The miracle on November 24, 1994 was different from the previous ones and truly most amazing. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio in Korea, an Archbishop from the Vatican, came to Naju with Fr. Raymond Spies, Julia's spiritual director. He made it clear to Fr. Spies that he was visiting Naju not as a private pilgrim but as the official representative of the Holy Father.
The visit by the Apostolic Pro Nuncio had not been publicly announced, but there were seven priests and about 70 lay people gathered in the Chapel to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of the fragrant oil from Our Lady's statue in Naju on November 24, 1992. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio's visit, therefore, was a pleasant surprise to them. This visit was also a realization of the Blessed Mother's promise on October 23, 1994, the last day of the fragrant oil flowing from her statue in Naju, and also the day when Julia and her husband left for Canada and the U.S.A. to give testimony at the Marian Conferences in Toronto and Honolulu.
While the Apostolic Pro Nuncio, Julia and others were praying in the Chapel, the Blessed Mother gave messages to Julia and also gave us a most amazing miracle. First, Our Lady asked Julia to receive blessings from the Archbishop and Fr. Spies on her hands. Then, she had St. Michael the Archangel bring the Holy Eucharist to the Apostolic Pro Nuncio through Julia. As the Archbishop was representing the Holy Father, this miracle was actually intended for the Holy Father, John Paul II, and, therefore, the whole Catholic Church. This reminds us of the miracle in Guadeloupe four and a half centuries ago, because the miracle and the accompanying messages in Guadeloupe were also given to a bishop representing the Church.
The first Sacred Host that the Archangel brought was a large-size one, the kind priests use during Mass. The angel was not visible to the people in the Chapel except Julia, but everybody was able to see the Holy Eucharist suddenly appearing between Julia's fingers. The Host had images of a cross in the middle and two letters: "A" and "W", just as in the miraculous photograph that Our Lady gave us on June 27, 1993. The Host was already broken into two when Julia received It, with one half in Julia's right hand and the other half in her left hand. Julia fell on the floor because of a powerful light from above.
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The host in the Julia's mouth
The Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies received the Sacred Host from Julia's hands and broke the Host into smaller pieces to give Communion to people in the Chapel who were in total amazement and awe. Even though it was just one Host, everyone in the Chapel received Communion. Some of them later testified that it was an experience that simply defied human description. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies put a piece of the Host in a box for preservation. Our Lady told Julia that the Sacred Host the Archangel brought was about to be consumed by a certain priest, but brought to the Chapel instead, because the priest was in the state of sin and Jesus could not live in him.
Then, Julia wanted to go to her house next door to write down Our Lady's messages for the Archbishop. As she was walking out of the Chapel supported by others because of her continuing pains, the Blessed Mother called her again in a hurry. Julia came back toward Our Lady's statue and held the hands of the Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies as the Blessed Mother requested. Our Lady asked Julia to receive the Holy Eucharist for the second time.
This time, the Host was smaller, the same as those lay people receive. Julia received this Sacred Host on her tongue. The Host was standing upright on Julia's tongue. The Archbishop picked up the Host. After showing the Host to people in the Chapel and some photos were taken, Fr. Spies received the Host from the Archbishop and put It in a pyx. He is preserving the Host at his residence and is expected to bring the Host back to Naju later for exposition in the Chapel so that pilgrims may pray before the Eucharist that was miraculously brought to us.
The Apostolic Pro Nuncio reviewed what had happened in Naju for the past ten years and was totally amazed. He was so overwhelmed with joy and hope that he was not able to sleep for the next three nights. In the mean time, Archbishop Victorinus Yoon of the Kwangju Archdiocese which covers the Naju Parish formed a committee to open the formal investigation process for Naju.
As she has stated several times already, Our Lady has a major plan for human conversion on a worldwide scale through Naju, Korea. As her efforts intensify and the miracle in Naju approaches its climax, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Holy Eucharist is the focal point in Our Lady's messages and the central key in God's Plan of human salvation. In her messages, Our Lady deplores so sorrowfully the miserable state of our lukewarm devotion to her Son in the Holy Eucharist and the widespread loss of faith in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. By obtaining the conversion of more and more people, however, Our Lady will surely bring about a complete victory for her Son in the Eucharist.
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Zoom of the host
Our Lady gave us the following messages through Julia Kim in Naju:
Tears are important. But the contents of the messages are more important. You must spread my messages fast. (Oct. 19, 1987)
Those who practice my messages are accepting me and, therefore, will experience a renewal of their souls. (Jan. 30, 1988)
As my messages are founded on love, mercy will overflow into any soul who repents and practices the messages. (Feb. 4, 1988)
My messages of love will be the brake that suppresses disorder. All the children in the world must hurriedly understand my messages of love and accept them. (Feb. 2, 1995)
Our Lord also gave us the following message immediately after the 11th Eucharistic miracle through Julia on September 22, 1995: Because My Mother's loving and kind words for the past several centuries have been ignored, sin has reached a saturation point, even within the Church.
Two thousand years ago, in the small town of Nazareth, Our Lady humbly consented to God's Plan of Human Salvation, opening the door to the Incarnation and Redemptive Work by God the Son in our human world. Thirty-three years later, she was standing under the Cross participating in her Divine Son's sufferings and offering up His and her own sorrows and pains to God the Father for our salvation. Even after her Assumption into Heaven, she has been constantly praying for us, her poor children on earth, and channeling God's graces to us.
At about the same time the devil was wreaking havoc in Europe by spreading the Protestant errors, Our Lady appeared in Guadeloupe, Mexico, in 1531, giving us messages and a miraculous image to remind us of her deep motherly love for us and her constant presence and powerful protection for us. About three hundred years later (1858), in Lourdes, France, she repeated the Gospel message that we should do penance for our sins and also identified herself as THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, who, by virtue of the fullness of God's graces in her from the moment of her conception, can and will be totally triumphant over the devil. In Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, she asked us to consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart and to fervently pray and offer penance for the conversion of sinners. At other apparition sites also, she repeated her pleas for our prayers, penance and consecration to her Heart. Now, in the small city of Naju in Korea, she has been giving us "a synthesis of all her messages" (according to Monsignor Matthias Peres in Vatican who visited Naju in September of 1990), supported by a great number of most amazing miracles.
Hundreds of thousands of people have visited Naju since the beginning of the miracle in 1985. Many of them have personally witnessed miraculous signs such as tears and tears of blood from Our Lady's statue, fragrant oil from the same statue, the Stigmata on Julia, and Eucharistic miracles (thirteen times so far). Physical healings have also occurred on numerous occasions during Julia's prayers and in connection with the water from the miraculous spring on the mountain near Naju. Countless people have experienced spiritual conversion, repenting their sins and returning to the Sacraments, regaining peace and love in their families, and, most of all, recovering humility and love in their hearts.
In concerning ourselves with the Marian messages and signs, it is important that we go deeper than what we can see and hear externally and try to understand the motives in the Hearts of Our Lord and Our Lady for giving us such messages and signs. Undoubtedly, Our Lord is giving us supernatural signs not to satisfy our curiosity but to induce some important changes in our hearts and in our lives, as He changed water into wine at the wedding in Cana.
The nature of the changes God desires in us was already explained in the Gospels. The Church that Our Lord established has been guiding, healing and nurturing the faithful in their efforts to live Our Lord's teachings for the past two thousand years. The Saints have been the living examples of how we must conduct our lives. But human minds are weak and unsteady and easily get distracted and misled. Frequently, we read and hear the Gospels but remain spiritually blind and deaf to the contents. Invaluable spiritual treasures are always available to us through the Church, but we often turn our eyes elsewhere, following erroneous ideas and pursuing vain goals. It is because of our such spiritual complacency, apathy and unreliability that God has been prodding, encouraging and warning us by sending us the Mother of the Saviour, who is also our true spiritual Mother. Our Lady is the ultimate reflection of God's Love and Mercy. God filled her with such an abundance of His Love, Mercy and Goodness that she could identify herself as the Immaculate Conception Itself in Lourdes, totally free from anything that is evil or unholy. God created this Mother of God the Son in order to reveal His infinite Goodness and Love for us. By God's Will and by the merits of her Divine Son, she is the only one who can turn the tide of evil which is currently enwrapping and pressing down heavily upon the entire world.
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Julia, husband and their four children
Thus, what is at stake is the salvation of each one of us as well as the status of the Church and the fate of our world. Our Lady is bringing to us the message of hope that God wills to rescue us from our current spiritual and moral crisis. In order to help this to happen, we must make a drastic rearrangement of our priorities and begin living Our Lord's teachings faithfully as explained in the Gospels and as taught by His Church. By means of her detailed messages in Naju and elsewhere, Our Lady is repeating and explaining to us the Lord's teachings in the most loving and persuasive manner as our Mother and as the final attempt by Heaven to change us. So, when Our Lady says we should understand, practice and spread her messages, she is actually asking us to return to the original teachings by Our Lord entrusted to His Church and to evangelize the whole world with these teachings. We should never treat the true messages from Our Lady like the daily newspapers, which we read and, then, throw away. God's truth is eternally beautiful and life-giving. He entrusted this precious, awesome truth to His Catholic Church for us and is now refreshing our faith by means of Our Lady's messages and signs.
If a supernatural revelation truly originates from God and, therefore, constitutes a genuine part of the unfolding of God's Plan of Human Salvation, it must not only be free from any conflict with the official Church teachings but also play a positive and yet supportive role of facilitating and reinforcing our understanding and implementation of the teachings of the Church. Good examples are the Blessed Mother's apparitions to Sister Catherine Labouré in 1830 giving us the Miraculous Medal, which confirmed the doctrine of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception prior to the official declaration of this doctrine in 1854; and also Our Lady's apparitions in Lourdes in 1858, which confirmed the same doctrine after the official announcement.
The signs and messages in Naju are rich in contents with doctrinal and theological significance. These contents mainly concern: (1) the Holy Trinity; (2) the Incarnation of God the Son in our world and the continuation of His Real Presence in the Eucharist and Redemptive Work through the Church; (3) the need for redemptive sufferings by the members of the Church; and (4) the role of Our Lady in salvation history.
1. As the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One, you must all become one, too. (The Blessed Mother, October 19, 1986—the first day of Our Lady's shedding tears of blood in Naju)
On a number of occasions in Naju, the Blessed Mother repeated the above message, which resonates beautifully with Our Lord's prayer before the beginning of His Passion, "I pray ... that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you ... that they may be one, as we are one." (John: 17: 20-22)
The Scripture tells us that God created us in His own image and likeness. (Genesis: 1: 26-27) So, like God, we have souls with intellect and free will. Unlike animals, we can conduct intellectual activities by distinguishing between truth and errors and between good and evil and, then, with our free will, choose between truth and errors and between good and evil. Our ability to exercise intellect and free will is not perfect, though, because our human nature was impaired and weakened by the original sin. For this reason, we are vulnerable to the disorderly inclinations in ourselves and the evil temptations by the devil and the world. Imperfect as they may be, our intellect and free will are at work in our daily lives and we will be held responsible for all the choices we make with our thoughts, words, and acts. The weakness and limitation of our human nature is compensated for by the help of supernatural graces from God in our understanding the supernatural truths, in our keeping God's Commandments and in our attaining eternal life.
Stating that we have intellect and free will, however, covers only part of our likeness to God, as God not only has His Intellect and Free Will but is a triune God, Who is Three Persons — the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit — united as One, still remaining as three distinct Persons but completely sharing the same perfect Divine Nature because of the infinite Love between Them. The principle here is that the distance between different persons decreases, as the love between them increases, and disappears completely, when the love is infinite. Actually, the Love is between the Father and the Son and this Love Itself is another Person: the Holy Spirit. Thus, God is not a lonesome, stationary being but Three Persons interacting with each other with infinite intensity and harmony in Their infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Love for all eternity.
In likeness of the Triune God, we humans were created not as lone creatures but as social beings. Thus, God willed that man and wife form and raise a family, united as one in love and harmony. God also willed that we function as members of other social entities as needed like schools, workplaces, religious orders, local communities, countries, and so on, and work toward unity in love in those entities. Our Lady especially emphasized the need for unity between different nations and different races: I am Mother to all of you. Come closer to me, overcoming differences in nationality. (December 14, 1992)
If all my children in this world transcend national boundaries, racial barriers and factional differences, form a unity and harmony with each other, and display the power of love, the Church will be revitalized, a shining new Pentecost will be realized, and this world will be saved by the Lord, Who is present in the Eucharist. (Sept. 24, 1994)
As the ultimate fulfillment of our social nature, God willed that we belong to the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church. In other words, we will realize our full potential as humans when we function as true members of God's Family, the Church, which is to last forever. Thus, God not only gave humans intellect and free will to understand and pursue good; He also gave us the Supreme Principle of Love and Harmony in the Holy Trinity as the ultimate paradigm which we must strive to emulate while we live on earth. Through her messages and signs in Naju, the Blessed Mother is reminding us of this tremendously beautiful and noble goal that God assigned to humans and is imploring us ardently to walk toward that goal by building unity with our fellow humans with love, humility, forgiveness and service toward each other.
2. The Incarnation of God the Son Continuing in Our Human World
A full expiation of human sins committed against God could only be accomplished by someone of infinite dignity, someone who is capable of making reparations of infinite value. God Himself was the only one who could meet this requirement. This was the reason why God the Son was sent to us as our Redeemer. It was an expression of God's Love and Mercy for us beyond our comprehension. It was also a powerful example of humility, because God's becoming human was a descent in dignity of immeasurable proportions. But, in taking the human nature, God the Son did not relinquish His Divinity and will remain God forever. By entering the world of fallen humans, He wanted to rescue humans out of their misery and raise them to the level of God's true children and true friends by restoring supernatural life to them. By this supernatural grace (= the Sanctifying Grace), humans can participate in God's Life, truly understanding and communicating with Him in Love.
After accomplishing the atonement for all human sins through His Passion, Jesus ascended into Heaven to be with God the Father. Out of His infinite Love and Wisdom, however, Jesus left His Church on earth which could continue His Physical Presence and His Work until the end of the world. This Church is truly the living extension of Christ Himself, through which He could be with His followers always; administer the distribution of graces through the priesthood and the Sacraments; and preserve and teach the revealed truths infallibly with His own divine authority. This Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, was also to grow and become sanctified in her members as well over time. For this to happen, her members would have to walk the same way that Christ walked—the way of charity, humility, self-denial and reparations, always drawing the spiritual energy from the Head of the Mystical Body, Christ Himself. Along with her growth and sanctification, the Church will be transforming more and more of the human race into true citizens of God's Kingdom until the end of the world. This is God's Plan of Human Salvation. This is why the Church is so important. The Blessed Mother is trying to open our eyes to this tremendous reality of God's Presence and Work through His Church by giving us many messages and Eucharistic miracles:
My Son Jesus is in Heaven, but is also present on earth with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, while hiding His Dignity, Humanity, and Divinity. Jesus in the Holy Eucharist will lead you to the pinnacle of prayer. (January 6, 1996)
I want the lay people to obey the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and all the priests. They are my most beloved sons and have received the power to forgive the sins of countless people who have become contaminated with sins. For this reason, even my Son Jesus comes down from Heaven to earth in obedience to them. (June 29, 1987)
When you follow me entrusting everything to me, your union with God through His Incarnation will continue in the Mystery of the Eucharist. This union is unprecedented and beyond human description. (July 2, 1995)
Our Lord also gave us the following message:
Pray for the Pope, My Vicar, all the Cardinals, Bishops and priests. Offer sacrifices and reparations without ceasing so that they may carry out their duties loyally. I want them to follow Me with self-renunciation and poverty. I entrusted all the work to them, and so, all the liturgical celebrations they offer are what I offer. (June 5, 1988)
3. Salvation through the Cross
The teachings that Christ left to us seem to be full of paradoxes. To follow Christ, we must deny ourselves and carry our cross (Luke 9:23). Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Christ's sake will find it (Matthew 16:25). If anyone wishes to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all (Mark 9:34). We must love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44). And to lead us to the glory of Heaven, Christ suffered a most painful death.
Christ's teachings and examples of the Cross have never been popular, because they teach us the value of the opposite of what we usually want and admire. Nowadays, the Saints are not very popular, either, because they reached high levels of holiness not through self-centered accomplishments but through humility, self-denial and charity. But the eternal truth will never change and cannot be altered for our convenience. The way of salvation is still the way of the cross. Sacrifices and self-denial are still the only true signs of love.
The emphasis on the importance of redemptive sufferings is so evident throughout the messages and signs in Naju. The Blessed Mother wept tears and tears of blood through her statue so many times in Naju because of her immense love for us and our repeated failures to obey God and His Commandments. The Blessed Mother has also been imploring all of us to participate in the sufferings of Our Lord and herself for the conversion of sinners. It sometimes seems that many people are turned off by the numerous intense manifestations of sorrows and pains in Naju. We could feel better if the messages were filled with joy and compliments. But didn't Christ suffer more because of many of His followers who ran away from the Cross? Didn't Jesus rebuke Peter, when Peter was trying to dissuade Him from suffering? (Matthew 17:21-23) Isn't Christ calling us to a life of the cross and penance, only because He wants us to find true joy and peace that will last forever?
Our generation may want salvation with minimum or no cross, peace and joy without penance, love without sacrifices, the Mass mainly as a joyful celebration rather than a renewal of Our Lord's Sacrifice on the Cross, Holy Communions with no Confessions, deemphasise on Purgatory, membership in the Church without full obedience to her teaching authority, and the like. But aren't we deceiving ourselves with a false sense of security by compromising and diluting what is from God for our own convenience? The Blessed Mother has been very emphatic about this subject in Naju. In fact, her call to us to participate in the redemptive sufferings of Christ and herself is the main theme of her messages in Naju. There is nothing new about this. It is what Christ's teaching has been all about.
I am carrying the burden of reparation for you; so carry the burden for others. There are too many souls who fall into hell and bruise my Heart. When you offer penance and prayers to compensate for the sins and ingratitude of so many souls, they will be saved. (June 29, 1987)
In order to save many souls, we must carry the cross of love together and offer reparations with prayers and sacrifices and, thereby, appease the just anger of God the Father. (October 19, 1987)
The souls who are elevated high on the Cross and offer themselves gracefully as victims to the Lord are truly the souls who glorify the Lord and are the little souls who are closest to me. (September 17, 1991)
4. The Marian Role in Human Salvation
There is a significant corollary between the circumstances surrounding the fall of our first parents and those surrounding the redemption of the human race by Our Lord. In the case of the first human sin, the evil angel, Satan, first approached the woman, Eve, and tempted her into committing the sin of disobedience. The woman, then, talked the man into committing the same sin. In the case of human redemption, a good angel, St. Gabriel, first approached the Woman, Mary, and asked her if she would be willing to consent to God's plan of human salvation. In humble and loving obedience, Mary accepted God's Will and, thus, conceived the Saviour in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. This humble obedience by Mary to God's Will constituted a preparation and precondition for the Saviour's work of human salvation through His perfect obedience to God the Father. Mary's loving assistance to the Saviour did not end at this beginning phase of God's Incarnation in the human world. She devoted all of herself to supporting her Divine Son throughout His Life on earth—from the moment of His conception to His birth and growth in the family and, eventually, to His suffering and death on the Cross. Even after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension, Mary continued supporting His followers. Especially, she was together with her Son's disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem, praying with them until the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14), which marked the birth of the Catholic Church.
The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ — a true continuation and extension of Christ that comprises His followers as her members, breathing with the Holy Spirit and living with the Life of Christ Himself flowing in the members of the Church, just as the same life flows from the vine to its branches (John 15:1-10). Therefore, the Mother of Christ is also the Mother of the Church and the Mother of everyone who belongs to the Church. As she conceived, gave birth to and raised the Child Jesus two thousand years ago, she is still conceiving, giving birth to, and raising the members of the Church as their true spiritual Mother. This spiritual motherhood of Mary for all the followers of Our Lord was confirmed by Christ Himself just before He expired on the Cross (John 19:26-27). As the mother's care is always essential to the growth and safety of her children in any family, Mary's care is always essential to our spiritual nourishment, growth and safety in the Church, which is God's Family. It is no surprise that the many problems that exist in the Church today have occurred simultaneously with an erosion of the Marian devotion. Whenever we distance ourselves from our Heavenly Mother, we are going to lose the clear perception of God's Incarnation and Its continuation through the Church, as Mary is the true guardian and vessel of the God Incarnate and the channel through which all of God's graces flow to us. Thus, Mary is never an obstacle in our worshiping God, but is the greatest gift that God bestowed upon us for the purpose of leading us to the road of loving and serving Him.
The Marian Doctrines
The Fathers in the early centuries of Church history had to contend with many heresies that promoted erroneous ideas about Our Lord. Some denied the Divinity of Christ, while others denied His humanity. As the correct understanding of the Savior's identity was an essential foundation for Christian Faith, the Church countered these heresies by clearly stating her official teaching that Christ is truly God and truly Man, with both Divinity and humanity united in one Person of God the Son.
To prevent people from correctly understanding the revealed truths, the devil works diligently by employing one method after another. In addition to confusing people's understanding of the Saviour's identity, he also finds it convenient to harm people's salvation process by blurring their minds about the Blessed Mother. For example, as soon as people begin hesitating to call Mary the Mother of God, their belief in God's true Incarnation becomes shaky. If they can call Mary the Mother of Jesus but not the Mother of God, then, they are denying that Jesus is God and, therefore, are not fully accepting the doctrine of God's Incarnation in our world. Against the heresies about the Blessed Mother, the Church formally declared the doctrine of Mary's Divine Motherhood in 431 (The Council of Ephesus). The Church continued clarifying the truth about Our Lady by defining her Perpetual Virginity in 649 (The Lateran Council), her Immaculate Conception in 1854 (Pope Pius IX) and her Assumption in 1950 (Pope Pius XII).
Our Lady has given us many messages in Naju reminding us of her essential role for our salvation and for the renewal of the Church. Most significantly, these messages concern her role as the Mediatrix of Graces, the Advocate for sinners and the Helper to Christ in our redemption or the Co-Redemptrix, which have not yet been officially declared as doctrines but have been generally accepted as theological truth by many Saints and theologians. A large number of the faithful led by the Mexican hierarchy are already petitioning the Holy See to proceed with the official declaration of these teachings as dogmas. When the messages and signs in Naju are officially approved by the Church, it will significantly enhance the chances for such a declaration. These titles of Mary: the Mediatrix of All Graces, the Advocate for Sinners and the Co-Redemptrix (or the Helper to Christ in Redemption) clarify Our Lady's role in God's Plan of Human Salvation. Together with the already-defined doctrines, an official declaration of these as Church dogmas will represent a full blossoming of our understanding of the Blessed Mother's role in salvation history and a glorious climax in the unfolding of God's Plan of Human Salvation. The following are some of Our Lady's messages in Naju highlighting her essential role for our salvation.
I came to this world as the Lord's Helper to save you in this age fallen into danger. When you renounce everything and follow me completely, my role as your true Mother and the Lord's Helper in saving the world will soon be manifested clearly. (Aug. 27, 1991)
The reason why I was chosen to be the Lord's Helper was to give the opportunity of salvation to everyone. Keep in mind that you were also chosen to be my helpers. (Aug. 27, 1991)
What is important is that you become sanctified in the Lord and offer up your prayers with a sincere heart. I came down from Heaven as the Queen of the Universe enwrapped in a brilliant immaculate light in order to nurture you. (Feb. 18, 1993)
Sons and daughters who have been called because you are so dearly loved! This Mother, who is the Mediatrix of Graces and the Co-Redemptrix, will transform you through the little soul whom I have chosen. (May 9, 1995)
Ask the Bishop to restore my position in the Church. Then, my messages will spread to the world and people will amend their lives. (Dec. 8, 1988)
I wish to rescue the world by the victory of my mercy and love. Therefore, if you pray with me, with confidence in me, holding my hands, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. It will surely triumph. (Jan. 15, 1989)
I am praying, shedding tears that they do not walk on the road to hell but repent. (April 23, 1987)
I am praying for them (the Pope, Bishops and priests) and offering up sufferings in their place today as always. (Jan. 15, 1989)
Here are some of what Our Lord said in Naju about the Blessed Mother:
Have complete trust in and reliance on My Mother who is also your Heavenly Mother. My Mother, who is united to the sufferings of My Sacred Heart and is weeping tears and tears of blood and praying constantly so that all the children in this world may leave their sinful ways and return to My Bosom of Love, is the only one who can turn the just anger of God the Father away from you. (Nov. 2, 1994)
My Mother Mary who is most holy is a most precious treasure of the Church. My Mother is the Queen of the Universe, the Queen of Heaven and your Mother. Therefore, My Mother Mary can love you, as I love you, and can do anything through the grace from Me. (Sept. 22, 1995)
The title of the Co-Redemptrix for Mary can be confusing to some, because no human or angel can be elevated to the level of the Saviour. This is really an unnecessary concern, because the title of the Co-Redemptrix does not mean that Our Lady is equal to Christ. All the redemptive merits originate solely from the sufferings of Christ. The merits by the followers of Christ including the Blessed Mother can have supernatural value, only in connection with and dependent on the merits of Christ. It is Christ's Will that the members of His Mystical Body imitate Him and do what He already accomplished as the Head of His Body. That is why Christ taught us to carry our own cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23) and St. Paul also said that he was filling up what was lacking in the afflictions of Christ (Colossians 1:24). St. Paul was not implying that the sufferings of Christ were inadequate but that what Christ achieved as the Head of the Mystical Body of Christ must also be achieved by us, who are members of the same Body. Thus, every follower of Christ is called to participate in Christ's sufferings for the conversion of the world and, thus, become another co-redeemer or co-redemptrix. In assisting Christ in saving the world, the Blessed Mother excels all others by far and, therefore, is truly the Co-Redemptrix par excellence.
Our renewed and deepened understanding of the Blessed Mother's role for our salvation and the resulting revival of the Marian devotion in the Church will be essential for revitalizing the Church and saving this world. As Mary's humble and loving obedience preceded the coming of the Savior two thousand years ago, a full blossoming of the Marian doctrines and devotions will precede Christ's reign on earth. Saint Louis Marie de Montfort said, "It was through the blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world, and it is also through her that he must reign in the world." (True Devotion)
In Naju, Our Lord said, "My Mother came into this world as the Heavenly Prophetess and My Helper who will lead you to My brilliant and glorious revelations." (May 16, 1991) Indeed, Our Lady delivered us very important prophecies for the future of mankind and the Church. She did not give any secrets to Julia as she did in Fatima. Nor did she give us any timetables or any other specifics about exactly how events will unfold. In fact, she warned us against too much curiosity and against anticipating the outcome with human calculations. Jesus Himself discouraged us from unnecessary curiosity: But of the day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. (Matthew 24:36) Instead, Our Lady urged us to devote everything we have to realizing God's Kingdom on earth by helping her with prayers and sacrifices and by spreading her messages.
The most urgent part of Our Lady's prophecy is that this world is on the brink of a major disaster because of the overabundance of sins all over the world and even an infiltration of them into the Church. Several times, she has indicated that the chastisement may involve the Third World War and also the fire from above. She keeps asking us to repent our sins and offer up prayers and reparations so that the approaching chastisement may be turned into a blessing from God. This blessing, she says, will constitute the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart over the devil and also the Second Pentecost, opening a new era of Christ's reign on earth. She says that there is very little time left for our conversion before the chastisement. To those who accept and practice the Blessed Mother's messages, her prophecy is one of great hope beyond our imagination rather than one of fear and disaster. The following is some of what Our Lady said about the critical time that is approaching.
I will always stay close to the Pope, help him, protect him from d of the Holy Spirit and Love. (June 27, 1993)
Depending on whether you accept my words well or reject them, the time of the Second Pentecost and Purification can be advanced or delayed. Therefore, become simple and innocent babies, listening to your Mother and rushing to her. Then, you will be saved through a new Resurrection and a new Birth, and this world will surely be saved through the Lord's Resurrection. (Feb. 4, 1994)
When you follow me believing, trusting and relying on me, I will carry out my Plan at your side through amazing methods; God the Son, Who is my Son, will establish a Kingdom of Glory filled with Love, Peace and Joy through you; and, through Him, there will be a Resurrection and a new Pentecost in this world. (Nov. 21, 1995)
The proud angels fell because of their pride. Our first parents also fell because of their disobedience to God. In contrast, salvation came to our world because of the obedience by the Blessed Virgin and Our Lord to the Will of God the Father. Thus, humble and loving obedience to God is the most basic of all virtues.
God also delegates some of His authority to certain people and positions. Thus, parents have God-given authority as well as duty toward their children. Teachers have certain authority over students. The government also has some authority over the people for the sake of public good. Regarding spiritual and moral matters, God gave the teaching authority to the Church. Jesus confirmed this with the following words to His disciples: Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me. (Luke 10:16) This is the reason why we cannot negotiate with the Church on spiritual and moral matters, but must obey her, accepting ALL her official teachings instead of accepting them selectively.
This is also the reason why all the reported private revelations should be subjected to the teaching authority of the Church. In other words, we must be obedient to the Church, when she makes decision on the reported revelations, whether they are positive or negative and regardless of our own prior judgment and perceptions. No one should challenge the Church on the basis of apparitions, messages, miracles, private research or academic credentials. The teaching authority of the Church is something Our Lord and Our Lady will fully respect, as it was given to the Church by Christ Himself. Along with conformity and resonance with the official Church teachings, a total submission of the reported revelations and the people involved in them to the teaching and pastoral authority of the Church is the most salient mark of their authenticity. Our Lady has also emphasized repeatedly the need for obedience:
Obey all—your superiors as well as those who are of a lower status than you. As I obeyed all, you should do the same. (Oct. 29, 1986)
Obedience is the precious key that opens the gate of Heaven widely. (June 21, 1995)
Sometimes we cannot do certain things that you and I wish to do, in order to be obedient to the Church. (June 21, 1995)
In Naju, there have been many occasions when obedience was tested. For example, on July 1, 1995, during the overnight prayer meeting, there was a Eucharistic miracle in the Chapel. At about 3:45 a.m., seven Sacred Hosts came down from the Crucifix and landed on the altar before Our Lady's statue. Julia and all others in the Chapel were so grateful to the Lord for such a tremendous, unprecedented Eucharistic sign. They also remembered the Blessed Mother's earlier requests that a tabernacle be prepared in the Chapel. Also in His message immediately after this miracle, Jesus reminded Julia of the Blessed Mother's such wish. There was no doubt that the seven Sacred Hosts were to be preserved in a new tabernacle in the Chapel.
The local Archbishop, however, instructed that the seven Sacred Hosts be consumed as soon as possible. People in Naju were in a painful dilemma. What should they do? After much prayer and discernment, their conclusion was to obey the Archbishop, as they have always been doing. From human standpoint, this would make little sense, because it could constitute a waste of an extremely precious heavenly sign that could help millions to convert. However, the Archbishop was the head of the Archdiocese with authority from Christ. Our Lord and Our Lady will never want us to disobey Our Lord's own authority vested in the Church.
So, just one day after the miracle of the seven Sacred Hosts, two priests, Julia and other pilgrims gathered in the Chapel again and they selected seven people including Julia to consume the Sacred Hosts. The Sacred Host received by Julia turned into visible flesh and blood on her tongue and this was witnessed by everyone in the Chapel. It was the 10th Eucharistic miracle through Julia. Undoubtedly, Our Lord and Our Lady were pleased with the obedience. The Archbishop also saw another sign of obedience in Naju.
Archbishop Victorinus Yoon of the Kwangju Archdiocese which covers the Naju Parish formed an investigating committee at the end of 1994. The committee has been actively working, interviewing witnesses and examining evidences. No official announcement has been made yet. Through the Apostolic Pro Nuncio in Korea, reports about Naju have been made to the Holy Father and to the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. We need to remain firmly obedient to the Church and also pray hard that the revelations in Naju will be officially approved soon and that the Church and the whole world will be renewed by the mercy and graces from God through the Blessed Mother. July/96
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, Eucharistics Miracle
The 7th Eucharistic Miracle occurs in Naju for the whole Catholic Church
The miracle on November 24, 1994 was different from the previous ones and truly most amazing. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio in Korea, an Archbishop from the Vatican, came to Naju with Fr. Raymond Spies, Julia's spiritual director. He made it clear to Fr. Spies that he was visiting Naju not as a private pilgrim but as the official representative of the Holy Father.
The visit by the Apostolic Pro Nuncio had not been publicly announced, but there were seven priests and about 70 lay people gathered in the Chapel to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of the fragrant oil from Our Lady's statue in Naju on November 24, 1992. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio's visit, therefore, was a pleasant surprise to them. This visit was also a realization of the Blessed Mother's promise on October 23, 1994, the last day of the fragrant oil flowing from her statue in Naju, and also the day when Julia and her husband left for Canada and the U.S.A. to give testimony at the Marian Conferences in Toronto and Honolulu.
While the Apostolic Pro Nuncio, Julia and others were praying in the Chapel, the Blessed Mother gave messages to Julia and also gave us a most amazing miracle. First, Our Lady asked Julia to receive blessings from the Archbishop and Fr. Spies on her hands. Then, she had St. Michael the Archangel bring the Holy Eucharist to the Apostolic Pro Nuncio through Julia. As the Archbishop was representing the Holy Father, this miracle was actually intended for the Holy Father, John Paul II, and, therefore, the whole Catholic Church. This reminds us of the miracle in Guadeloupe four and a half centuries ago, because the miracle and the accompanying messages in Guadeloupe were also given to a bishop representing the Church.
The first Sacred Host that the Archangel brought was a large-size one, the kind priests use during Mass. The angel was not visible to the people in the Chapel except Julia, but everybody was able to see the Holy Eucharist suddenly appearing between Julia's fingers. The Host had images of a cross in the middle and two letters: "A" and "W", just as in the miraculous photograph that Our Lady gave us on June 27, 1993. The Host was already broken into two when Julia received It, with one half in Julia's right hand and the other half in her left hand. Julia fell on the floor because of a powerful light from above.
The Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies received the Sacred Host from Julia's hands and broke the Host into smaller pieces to give Communion to people in the Chapel who were in total amazement and awe. Even though it was just one Host, everyone in the Chapel received Communion. Some of them later testified that it was an experience that simply defied human description. The Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies put a piece of the Host in a pyx for preservation. Our Lady told Julia that the Sacred Host the Archangel brought was about to be consumed by a certain priest, but brought to the Chapel instead, because the priest was in the state of sin and Jesus could not live in him.
Then, Julia wanted to go to her house next door to write down Our Lady's messages for the Archbishop. As she was walking out of the Chapel supported by others because of her continuing pains, the Blessed Mother called her again in a hurry. Julia came back toward Our Lady's statue and held the hands of the Apostolic Pro Nuncio and Fr. Spies as the Blessed Mother requested. Our Lady asked Julia to receive the Holy Eucharist for the second time.
This time, the Host was smaller, the same as those lay people receive. Julia received this Sacred Host on her tongue. The Host was standing upright on Julia's tongue. The Archbishop picked up the Host. After showing the Host to people in the Chapel and some photos were taken, Fr. Spies received the Host from the Archbishop and put It in a pyx. He is preserving the Host at his residence and is expected to bring the Host back to Naju later for exposition in the Chapel so that pilgrims may pray before the Eucharist that was miraculously brought to us.
The Apostolic Pro Nuncio reviewed what had happened in Naju for the past ten years and was totally amazed. He was so overwhelmed with joy and hope that he was not able to sleep for the next three nights. In the mean time, Archbishop Victorinus Yoon of the Kwangju Archdiocese which covers the Naju Parish formed a committee to open the formal investigation process for Naju.
8th 9th & 10th Eucharistic Miracles
The biggest news in the world two thousand years ago should have been the Incarnation of God the Son in our human world. The most important reality in our current world also is the continuing Presence and Redemptive Work by Christ through His Church for the whole human race. Before He came down to us, there wasn't any real hope in this world. People were by themselves simply unable to rescue the world fatally infected by injustice, selfishness, hatred and cruelty. Christ came to atone for our sins committed against God and against each other and to help us lead a new life based on truth and love. But, instead of recognizing and accepting Him as the Messiah and the Son of God, people crucified Him and rejected His Teachings.
The human rejection of the Diving Plan of Salvation is still continuing today. Of course, there have been quite a few who have recognized the Light and followed it faithfully like the Blessed Mother and many other Saints through centuries. But the world at large is still rejecting Christ. The faith among many Christians has also weakened because of their compromise with the world. What Christ was concerned about has become a reality. "But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." (Matthew 5:13)
As the worldwide slide of humans into the loss of faith and moral decay continues, God has been sending the Blessed Mother to our world to urge us to reform our lives and to help us overcome our evils and dangers. It is from the Infinite Love and Wisdom of God that a most living Mother has been given to us to heal our wounds, to melt our hardened hearts and to protect us from the attacks of the devil. Because her Heart is always filled with love and mercy for us, she constantly desires our salvation, ardently prays for us and protects us in her bosom. She is most anxious to see us understand the Love and Sacrifices by her Divine Son and open our eyes to the awesome reality of His Real Presence and Activities through His Church. That is why she has been bringing to us Eucharistic Miracles repeatedly through Julia Kim of Naju, a small, very insignificant-looking city in a remote corner of the Far East.
Most of the Eucharistic Miracles through Julia involved the bleeding of the Sacred Host on her tongue. It occurred for the first time in the Holy Rosary Church in Naju on June 5, 1988, the Feast of Corpus Christi. It occurred five more times until November 2, 1994. On November 24, 1994, the Papal Nuncio in Korea (an Archbishop from the Vatican) came to Naju and witnessed the 7th Eucharistic Miracle. This time, there was no bleeding from the Host. Instead, a large-size Sacred Host was brought to Julia by St. Michael the Archangel. A short while later, a smaller Sacred Host came down and landed on Julia's tongue. The special significance of this 7th Eucharistic Miracle is that it was given to the Pope's representative and, therefore, to the Holy Father himself, who represents and heads to whole Catholic Church. It is noteworthy that the miracle in Guadeloupe in 1531 had also been given directly to the Church represented by a bishop.
Toward the end of June 1995, thousands of pilgrims gathered in Naju to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Our Lady's weeping through her statue in Naju on June 30, 1985. Because the local Archbishop's committee, which was formed last December, was reviewing the information about Naju, the Archbishop asked that the celebration be kept low-key. Still, there was a Mass in the evening of June 30 at the Naju Parish Church concelebrated by eight priests. The church was packed to its full capacity. Julia was sitting in the back of the Church and received Communion last. Suddenly, people around Julia noticed that the Sacred Host in her mouth was bleeding again. They were so shocked and many began crying. Soon, the Mass ended and those who were at the Mass including the priests witnessed the bleeding of the Eucharist on Julia's tongue.
After Mass, pilgrims went back to the Chapel, a 10 minute walk from the Parish Church, to attend the overnight prayer service in commemoration of the beginning of Our Lady's first tears through her statue in Naju. The Chapel was packed and prayers, hymns and testimonies continued. In the middle of the prayer meeting, Julia again began suffering - this time, in her abdomen, in reparation for abortions. Fr. Francis Su from Malaysia asked the pilgrims to pray for so many people who are responsible for killing unborn babies. The Chapel was filled with the sounds of prayers and cries. At 3:45 A.M., pilgrims in the Chapel were listening to the reading of the Blessed Mother's messages. Suddenly, Julia, who was sitting in the front of the Chapel together with Fr. Su, Fr. Pete Marcial from Guam and others, stood up and stretched out her hands as if trying to grab something. Later, she testified that, while praying, she saw the wooden image of Jesus on the Crucifix above the Blessed Mother's statue turning into the live Jesus and bleeding occurring at seven places on His Body: two hands, two feet, side, forehead and Heart. Soon, blood at the seven wounds turned into round white Hosts. Some in the Chapel saw sparks of light from the Crucifix at that moment. Many also heard a noise like a brief hailstorm. The Sacred Hosts were falling down. That was why Julia was stretching out her hands. The Hosts, however, bypassed Julia's hands and landed on the altar before Our Lady's statue.
People in the Chapel were ecstatic. They also remembered the Blessed Mother's request on November 24, 1994 to prepare a tabernacle in the Chapel beside her statue. It seemed clear that she brought us the Seven Hosts so that her Divine Son in the Eucharist may be in the tabernacle in the Chapel. The Hosts were left untouched on the altar.
This newest Eucharistic Miracle was reported to the local Archbishop. He instructed Julia and others to consume the Hosts soon. In obedience, two priests and five lay people were selected to receive the Seven Hosts. On July 2, they received Communion. When Julia received the Sacred Host and opened her mouth a few moments afterwards, there again was blood in her mouth. Just one day after the 8th Eucharistic Miracle to Julia in the Naju Parish Church, no one was expecting another miracle so soon. But Our Lady was so anxious to restore a fervent Eucharistic devotion that she brought us another amazing Eucharistic sign. The Chapel was again filled with amazement, joy, faith, adoration and gratitude.
In previous miracles, Julia was instructed by the priest at the Mass to swallow the bleeding Host. But, this time, Fr. Su and Fr. Marcial, dipped their fingers in the Precious Blood on Julia's tongue and showed the Blood to those in the Chapel. Then, the priests wiped their fingers with a white cloth, which is being preserved in Naju. Fr. Marcial also touched with his finger the face of a six month-old baby girl who had epilepsy and was dying. The baby's health has been improving dramatically since that night.
When God gives us special signs, He does so not to satisfy our curiosity but for a purpose and as a part of His Plan of human salvation. The signs He is giving us in Naju are extremely important - far beyond our current understanding. Also, when He gives us signs, He expects proper responses from His children. It is time to pause and reflect on the recent signs from Heaven and God's reasons for giving them to us.
12th Eucharistic Miracle
The 12th Eucharistic Miracle through Julia witnessed by the Holy Father
On October 31, 1995, Julia visited the Vatican together with Monsignor Nam Ik Paik, Julio (her husband), Rosa (her eldest daughter) and Raphael Son (a seminarian). They attended a private Mass celebrated by the Holy Father. There also were several people from France who had also been invited. During Mass, Julia and her companions were allowed to sing hymns in Korean. At Communion time, another Eucharistic miracle occurred. As in most of the previous Eucharistic miracles through Julia, the Sacred Host turned into live Flesh and Blood on her tongue.
The process of this miracle was observed by Msgr. Paik. He testified that, as the Sacred Host was turning into Flesh, it also became larger and formed the shape of a heart. He said that the shape was the same as in the 11th Eucharistic miracle that had occurred in Naju on September 22, 1995 during the Mass celebrated by Bishop Roman Danylak from Toronto and two other priests.
Immediately after the Mass, the Holy Father came to Julia and witnessed this miracle. He blessed Julia and her companions.
Julia also relayed the Blessed Mother's message to the Holy Father, in which Our Lady asked him to teach the importance of the Sacrament of Confession and the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist to all.
13th Eucharistic Miracle
The 13th Eucharistic Miracle occurs in Naju and Julia receives the Stigmata again
During the 11th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first tears in Naju (June 30, 1996), the Chapel was filled with pilgrims from many countries attending the overnight prayer service. At about 3 a.m. on July 1, 1996, Julia saw the Precious Blood flowing from the seven wounds of Jesus on the Crucifix above Our Lady's statue in the Chapel. The Blood soon turned into Sacred Hosts enwrapped in bright light. The light became stronger and began shining upon all those who were present in the Chapel as well as those outside the Chapel. Then, a very powerful light radiated from the Crucifix and reached Julia. She fell down screaming loudly because of extreme pains at seven places on her body: the head, the heart, both hands, both feet and the side. While her mouth was open because of the screaming, the Sacred Hosts entered her mouth. Fr. Francis Su, two other priests and lay people around Julia witnessed the Sacred Hosts filling Julia's mouth.
From about 12:30 p.m., July 1, 1996, Julia received pains again and began bleeding on both palms. Fr. Raymond Spies, Fr. Francis Su and several lay people witnessed this bleeding.
At about 1 p.m. on July 2, 1996, Fr. Spies, Julia and several other people were praying before the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel. While praying, Julia suddenly screamed and fell down on the floor. She received a powerful light from the Crucifix and suffered the same pains as on the previous day. Bleeding again occurred on both palms. Julia wore gloves to hide the bleeding, but the gloves became wet with blood. At about 4 p.m., Julia visited two hospitals in Kwangju in obedience to her spiritual director. Doctors examined her wounds and issued written statements that the bleeding and the wounds on Julia's palms could not be explained by any natural causes. Bleeding stopped, and wounds disappeared later.
16th Eucharistic Miracle
The 16th Eucharistic Miracle occurs in Naju and is witnessed by Bishop Kim of Korea
June 12, 1997
His Excellency Bishop Paul Chang Yeol Kim, head of the Cheju Diocese in Korea, and Fr. Anthony Jung Yong Kim, an elderly priest in the Kwangju Archdiocese, came to the Blessed Mother's House. Bishop Kim and Father Kim were conversing with Rufino and myself in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. Bishop Kim said that the Sacred Hosts that had turned into visible Flesh and Blood and the Sacred Hosts that had come down from above before should have been preserved. He was expressing concern over the indifference in the Church.
When the Bishop was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, the Sacred Hosts must be preserved," light began radiating from the Crucifix. Then, the Bishop said, "Let's pray together." At that moment, a white object was descending. I tried to receive it in my hands, but it was so sudden that I could not receive it. The white object fell on the altar before the Blessed Mother's statue making a loud sound. The Bishop, the priest, and others present heard the sound of the white object falling on the altar and went closer to the Blessed Mother's statue. Rufino shouted, "Oh, the Eucharist! The Eucharist!" The Bishop looked at the Sacred Host and knelt immediately, saying, "Jesus Who is living!"
I knelt, too, unable to control my tears thanking the Lord for giving a sign to the Bishop who was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, the Sacred Hosts must be preserved." I continued weeping, remembering how all of us who love the Blessed Mother were crying and feeling pain when the seven Sacred Hosts that came down on June 30, 1995 could not be preserved. Then, I heard the loving, kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.
"My beloved daughter! Today is truly a joyful day. This Bishop, who came to me saying 'Amen' to the call of this Heavenly Mother, understood my concern and gave me consolation. Therefore, God manifested, with a special love, a sign of love by sending down the Eucharist personally, which is a substantial presence of Jesus Christ. God promised an inheritance to Abraham, not because he observed the laws well. God recognized him as a just man because of his faith and bestowed graces even upon those who were his followers. Likewise, all the souls who believe in the sign given to you today and follow it will receive the same graces as you.
Beloved Bishop! My dear son whom I can put in my eyes without even feeling any pain! Make it known in a hurry. Make known to everyone the Mystery of the Eucharist, in which the Lord is truly present, and the burning love of my Immaculate Heart and, thus, help the little soul whom I have chosen. When you follow me, keeping in mind that helping her is helping me, I will mark you with a seal of flames of the sublime and powerful love from my burning Immaculate Heart. Therefore, do not avoid me or be hesitant because of the desires of the corruptible body, face-saving and others' eyes.
In the Church, covering up one's own faults, having the spirit of being critical of others, and being quick and thorough about finding fault in others are what theorists do, not priests. That is because, even though reasoning is necessary, one must not jump to impatient judgment on the love of the soul who is immersed in love.
Because even many of the clergy know with their brains and say with their mouths that a pursuit of the world and the flesh will lead to perdition and that a pursuit of the spiritual matters will lead to eternal happiness but are not practicing it. I called the Bishop, who is following me, in a special way and wish to spread the burning love of my Immaculate Heart."
Our Lord performed many miracles during His public life on earth so that people may witness or hear about these supernatural signs and accept His teachings for their salvation.
To continue His Real Presence and Redemptive Work even after His Ascension and until the end of the world, Our Lord established His Church and entrusted His teachings and teaching authority to her. Especially since the 16th Century in Guadeloupe, Mexico, Our Lord has been giving us amazing supernatural signs through His Mother so that we may not take His teachings and His Church for granted but obtain a true understanding of these teachings, practice them and be saved.
These supernatural signs of God through the Blessed Mother are now culminating in the small town of Naju on the Korean peninsula. While the signs continue, we can easily miss them or fail to understand where these signs are pointing to. Everyone has many important agenda while living on earth, but nothing can be more important and urgent than recognizing God's signs, understanding their meanings, and doing what is expected of us, because our eternal life may depend on it.
Recent messages
The Blessed Mother's message on October 7, 1998 — Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
I was weeping and awake all night because of severe pains. I offered up my sufferings and all of myself to the Lord and the Blessed Mother for the conversion of sinners.
At about 5:50 a.m., a stream of powerful light came down from the Crucifix and shone upon me. At that moment, I heard the sorrowful yet kind and loving voice of the Blessed Mother.
My beloved daughter! My beloved children who have been called!
As the hen gathers her chicks under her wings, I have called and gathered numerous children and embraced them in my mantle, but the majority of them are not grateful and are getting dispersed in all directions and are joining forces with the devil instead of becoming the light for this world which has become dark. I am filled with sorrows.
In this present age, not only those who are outside the Church but also the numerous children who say that they love God are alienating themselves from God and are already becoming murderers in their hearts, making this world no less miserable than when Cain killed Abel.
Corruption has spread not only in society and families but also even in the Church, making the world become enveloped in a curtain of darkness, but the majority of the political leaders and the superiors in the Church, whose duty is to correct the problems, are unable to form unity, blaming each other, fighting with each other, being conceited and throwing false accusations at others, while proudly displaying their learning. What is the matter with them? They are like the owners of ships sailing in the sea who have become blind, deaf and lame spiritually. How could God not be angry? If they regret, beating their chests, weeping and screaming at the time when God's chastisement for all the sins of this age which has become so corrupt comes down upon the world, of what use will it be? Because I will not be able to do anything at that time, I am so anxiously pleading with you, speaking the same words repeatedly.
All the children in the world! It is not too late yet. Hurriedly empty your hearts, repent, and return to me, your Heavenly Mother. Then, the Lord, Who has become the sacrificial victim for reconciliation to save you, will see you asking for forgiveness and will rebuild what Satan has destroyed and heal the wounds that Satan has caused. Therefore, pray and plead with love even for those who are rejoicing over others' miseries. That is because only through love can you achieve victory over the devil.
Know that God is still holding the cup of wrath because of the prayers, sacrifices, and reparations by the little souls who have been consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. At least you, who have been called, become apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart and arm yourselves with love, remain awake and pray to prevent the chastisement that God has to send down.
My intensely beloved children! My children who have been called as the apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart! Always think of me and become (one with) me. Your work for the Lord and me will be accompanied with numerous pains. However, know that the more pains you suffer, the more you will receive and the greater the reward in Heaven will be, and offer up those bleeding pains gracefully. Now, there is no more time to hold back or hesitate. I want all of you to display the power of love more courageously in unity and be loyal totally and heroically so that the burning love and anxious pleas from my Immaculate Heart may be made known all over the world. Even when you groan on a dangerously-sloped hill while making me known, it will only be for a while. That is because I will shield you in my mantle which is always ready for you and will guide you to Heaven.
When the Blessed Mother finished her words, the light disappeared and my extreme pains eased also.
The Blessed Mother says that many of her children, who say that they love God, are alienating themselves from God and are already becoming murderers in their hearts. At first, it seemed unusual that the Blessed Mother used the word "murderers". The answer may be that preventing other people from receiving or keeping spiritual life can be as bad as or even worse than taking physical life. Or could it also mean that not only killing but hating others and using abusive language to others will also be judged, as Our Lord said (Matthew 5)? St. John also said, "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer" (1 John 3:15).
The Blessed Mother again used some very difficult words, which are not frequently used in conversations and writings in Korea. Most of them are composed of Chinese characters. She used seven difficult words this time, which have the following meanings::
1. Being conceited in behavior and speech
2. Throwing false accusations at others and driving them into difficulties
3. Sacrificial victim for softening God's wrath
4. Literal meaning is that one is carrying a thick book under his arm It refers to a person who proudly displays his learning.
5. Repeating what was said already
6. Rejoicing over others' miseries
7. Steep slope or hill.

Julia says that she did not understand any of these words. Even Julio, her husband, and others had hard time, because they could not find some of these words in their dictionaries. It is amazing that the Blessed Mother used these rarely-used words, which nevertheless so perfectly fit the context of her messages. They also make us dwell on their meanings.

If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin; but as it is they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me also hates my Father. If I had not done works among them that no one else ever did, they would not have sin; but as it is, they have seen and hated both me and my Father.

— John 15:22-24

The Blessed Mother's Message on August 2, 1998

I (Julia Kim) was attending the 6 a.m. Mass at Naju Parish Church. While I was praying in preparation for Holy Communion, I began hearing some whispering noises around me. Then, suddenly, I heard a voice: "There isn't much time left. Let's kill this wretched woman." Immediately, I began feeling prickling pains all over my body. Then, suddenly, a large object appeared on my left and crawled on my legs and arms, as if it were wrapping around them. At the moment it was trying to bite me on my neck and head, I struck it forcefully with my right arm, praying: "Lord, have mercy and save the sinners." (A woman sitting next to me was hit hard by me on her right arm, but said that she did not feel any pain.) At that moment, a powerful light radiated from the direction of the altar, and the object which had been holding on to me tightly to avoid falling off lost power and fell off as if it were curling backward. At the same time, small worm-like objects that had been crawling all over my body also disappeared. At that moment, I heard the loving and kind voice of the Blessed Mother, even though I could not see her.

Daughter! My beloved daughter! It is now deep into night. Doesn't the deepness of night mean that the dawn is drawing near? Therefore, do not despair, become frustrated or give up. Because the day when the new heaven and the new earth will be accomplished is not far, Satan, my enemy, who is trying to cover this world with darkness, is making his last desperate effort. Thus, in the eyes of the world, you may look like a person who was killed twice and is in darkness. However, even if the world goes the wrong way making the customs corrupt, and the public opinion is in consensus, I, your Heavenly Mother, will guard and protect you, who are following me and have trust in me, with my power that crushes the serpent and will lead you to the Heavenly Paradise.

The Lord, the Lamb, Who was killed for the salvation of the whole human race, is sitting in the shining royal throne in the Heavenly Kingdom and receives power, honor, glory and adoration for all eternity. Martyrs are enjoying happiness at His side.

Therefore, my children who have been called! Hurriedly wake up and pray. If even you, whom I have chosen with love, despair and become frustrated, how overjoyed Satan will be, who is trying to drive this world into darkness!

Even if you receive many kinds of groundless accusations and preposterous criticisms as you work for the Lord and me, offer them up gracefully to console the wounded Heart of God Who was in the past, is now, and will come in the future and also to prevent the calamities that are to come because of the sins in the world.

Those who follow me, your Heavenly Mother, and humbly approach the Lord as little souls will enjoy happiness in the Kingdom of the Lord Who is the Alpha and the Omega. However, remembering that those who reject me to the end, do not make the Lord known in sincere ways, get involved in vain talks, and thus become tricked by the deformed Satan and follow him may fall into fire and burning sulfur, hurriedly offer up prayers in unity among you at least, whom I have chosen, that the numerous souls who have lost their sense of direction and are joining forces with Satan may wake up from sleep.

While I was writing down this message, the devil lifted me up, toppled me, struck me, tramped upon me, and poked me at many places on my body. Because of much bleeding, it was difficult for me to walk or even remain sitting.

"God is still holding the cup of wrath because of the prayers, sacrifices, and reparations by the little souls"

April 12, 1998 — The Great Feast of Our Lord's Resurrection

I attended Mass at the Naju Parish Church, but could not even remain sitting because of intense pains. So, I came home after receiving Communion and went to the Blessed Mother in the Chapel, whom I had not visited for a long time. Because of the pains, I was lying on the floor in the Chapel and said, "Mother, you understand, don't you?" Suddenly, a powerful light radiated from the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue, and I saw a vision. Many people were violently fighting against each other. There even were some priests and religious. While fighting against each other, they even tried to throw away the Blessed Mother's statue which had been weeping. Seeing this, the devils, who had been instigating the fight, became overjoyed and were dancing. Jesus' and the Blessed Mother's beautiful clothes became stained with blood. At that moment, Jesus began speaking earnestly and sorrowfully with a very sad voice.

Jesus: My beloved little soul! This world is now so filled with sins that I cannot even look at it with open eyes. People, who had been welcoming Me, crying out "Hosanna!" just a few days before My execution on the Cross, were saying, "He is a criminal who deserves to die. Crucify him!" But I resurrected in three days to manifest God's glory. Even at this moment, many clergy, religious and other children are celebrating My Resurrection, but how many of them are truly remembering and consoling Me?

Together with My Mother Mary, who gave birth to Me and raised Me, I have been giving many messages of love and signs in Naju, Korea, but even many of my children who experienced the miracles of love are dispersing in all directions because of the devil's temptations. How sad and deplorable!

All My beloved children in the world! Because it is not too late yet, hurriedly come to Me, following My Mother who is imploring sorrowfully, shedding tears and tears of blood. You should not face the approaching destruction unprepared. Remembering that God the Father's wrath has reached an extreme and a chastisement is inevitable but that He is still delaying the time because of the prayers of the little souls, wake up from sleep and pray. Hurriedly and humbly respond to My Mother's pleas by making your best, strenuous efforts so that the miracles of love may be fully realized.

What use will be to regret after the destruction comes? The proud people dislike the humble ones. When a rich person falters, his friends support him. But when a powerless person is in difficulty, people turn their faces away from him. You now feel much sadness in your hearts, but remember that I and My Mother are always at your side, and work in unity with each other, with high spirits, courage and hope. There isn't much time. Hurriedly and more gracefully offer up your current sufferings and achieve victory over the devil.

Two thousand years ago, I could have come down from the Cross. However, without dying, there could be no Resurrection. Even at this moment, I can perfect everything. However, because I allowed free will to humans, sacrifices by little souls, including even death agony, are necessary. Remembering anew the truth that one must die to arrive at resurrection, at least you, who have responded to My call, should follow Me in unity and with a simple and upright mind, imitating the faith of the martyrs.

Know that now is the time to separate empty heads of grain from good ones. Therefore, the prayers and sacrifices by My children who will gain the Kingdom of Heaven are so urgently needed. The so-called leaders are moving away from the truth and yet look so strong and overpowering.* But the Kingdom of Heaven does not belong to them but to you who are working for Me. I have given up everything for your sake. As you recognize My voice and rush to Me and My Mother, you experience much difficulty and pain. But you who work for My Mother and Me will surely share love at My dining table in My Kingdom where there is no sorrow, pain, or suffering. The tears that you shed now will be completely wiped away before the throne in Heaven, where there is no thirst or hunger. You will be given a hundred-fold reward. Happiness will be yours. Won't it? However, there will be nothing I and My Mother can do at the time of the Last Judgment for those who turn their faces away from Me and My Mother and reject Us to the end.

My little souls! The prayers of my little children who are not shaken under any circumstances will wipe away the stains of blood on My clothes and My Mother's. They are the comforts and fragrant oil that wipe away the bloody sweat and bloody tears.

The world which is in such a shocking condition, the world which will be reduced to ashes, this age which will be destroyed by the devil's attacks… However, when there are more little souls, My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Immaculate Heart will surely triumph. Do not fear, but hurriedly perpetuate the Pascha Mystery of Resurrection. I will help you. An-nyoung.

(Note: *Our Lord used two idiomatic expressions composed of four Chinese characters each but having about the same meaning. Using both of them is for emphasis. The first expression literally means a monster that has three heads and six shoulders. It refers to a person with unusual strength. The second expression literally means that a person is so strong that he can extract a mountain and cover the whole world. Again, it means a strong, overpowering person.)

February 2, 1998 — Feast of the Presentation

I was praying, offering up myself, who is unworthy, the Holy Father, the clergy, religious, laity, and all the people in the world to Jesus through the Blessed Mother. At about 9:45 a.m., bright light began radiating from the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue which had wept and I heard the beautiful and loving voice of the Blessed Mother.

The Blessed Mother:

My beloved daughter! My little souls who have responded with "Amen" to my call and have to suffer pains!

Today is the Feast of the Lord's Presentation as well as the day when I, the Heavenly Mother, was foretold of my suffering, isn't it?

Do not be sad, agonize or despair, but run to this Mother's bosom hurriedly, following the messages of love that I have been giving you. A refuge where I can shelter you has been prepared.

Even if a feeling of contempt and humiliation enwraps you, who work for the Lord and me, because you were condemned with all kinds of insults, criticisms, and judgments, offer up those pains gracefully for the conversion of sinners. Haven't I already told you that the insults that you, who work for me, receive are not your lot but mine?

If all the children in the world believe, trust and totally rely on the messages of love that the Lord and I have been giving them and rush toward me, they will attain great enlightenment, overcoming all the anxieties and doubts, but too many children are compromising with the current of the world, making the wrath of God overflow and the Heart of this Mother become filled with sorrows.

So many of my children cling to me only when they suffer pains, as if they cling to a life buoy. Once they receive the grace they have been asking for, they not only become ungrateful but also fall into confusion and become shaken because of the words of big liars like reeds shaken by wind. How delighted the devil would be!

Who determined the movements of heavenly bodies and who made the laws of nature? There is nothing that the Lord cannot do, if He wills it. If at least you who know me entrust yourselves completely to me and follow me, you will become light that repels darkness.

"Because they did not keep their covenant with Me, I did not look after them, either." If these words of God fall upon the world, because you have not passed on to others what you have received, you will be responsible, too. Therefore, manage well what you have received and do not deplore or resent the wrongs in the world.

Even a farmer with little education takes a good care of his crops from seeding to harvesting. How much more will I, the Heavenly Mother, not do to protect you, who are working for the Lord and me, offering up sacrifices and penance, in my Immaculate Heart and to lead you to Heaven? Therefore, with a joyful and loving heart, praise, worship and give glory to the Lord Who came to save the children in the world and gave them a new Commandment. Then, you will achieve victory over the devil who wants to overturn the world, and will soon see the day when the mouths of those who are criticizing will be closed. Therefore, I want you to remain awake and pray with greater love. An-nyoung.

While I was writing down the messages, the devils' interference began. They pulled my arms and head. They pulled and shook my hand with which I was writing down the messages. I sprayed holy water and continued writing. Then, the devil said, "Actually you have done enough of the work that has been given to you. But what is the result? You have only become an object of ridicule. If you discontinue this work, I will give you wealth and fame while you live on earth. You will not have to worry about your children, either." But because I did not pay attention to what he was saying, he said loudly, "Why, you are still not giving up? You like suffering so much? What a spiteful woman! Let's sweep away and overturn everything!" The devils turned over the desk and jumped at me. They threw me off the bed, pressed me down and tried to kill me.

Some time passed. The Blessed Mother appeared radiating bright light and the devils who had been afflicting me and trying to kill me ran away. The Blessed Mother made a very loving smile and said kindly, "You achieved victory over the devil again today." When I answered with "Amen" and opened my eyes, I saw several people looking at me. All saw clear marks of the devil at four spots on the floor. These marks were gradually disappearing, but were still visible until the next morning.

January 4, 1998

The Blessed Mother spoke with an anxious voice.

My beloved children! Follow me without worry or fear. As God, Who performs miracles by manifesting signs in the sky and on earth, rescued Daniel by sealing lions' mouths, I will surely rescue you, who are following me and trying to make me known, from the swamp of evil and help you achieve victory in the intense battle of this end time. As what had been written about the Lord in Moses' Laws, the Prophecies, and the Psalms were realized, the Words of the Lord and this Heavenly Mother will certainly be realized. Therefore, do not be concerned about* what those who are self-contradictory are saying but cope with (difficulties) wisely with firm faith, trust, hope, and courage, as humble and little souls and with loving hearts.

If the children in the world do not accept but despise my words that I give them shedding tears and tears of blood and sing of a peaceful and care-free time, destruction will befall them like a thief at night. I want at least you, who say that you know me, to remain awake and pray, not compromise with the world, follow this Mother's words, and hurriedly repair and console this Mother's torn Immaculate Heart with sacrifices and reparations so that evil may turn into good. Even if Satan appears to have successfully brought about ruin, you will see my Immaculate Heart surely achieving victory by rebuilding the place which was destroyed by Satan, through my invisible presence and with help from you who are my helpers. When Christ comes again to this world, you who are following me and making me known will appear in glory with Christ.

(Translator's Note on the phrase: "do not be concerned about:" Literal translation of the expression used by the Blessed Mother would be "do not listen to." In Korean, however, "listening to someone" has a connotation beyond just the physical act of listening. It means "listening attentively, either with enthusiasm or with anxiety." Therefore, what the Blessed Mother says is not that we must close our ears or ignore the authority of the speakers but that we should not concern ourselves excessively and unnecessarily with what we hear.)

August 27, 1997

At about 11:40 a.m., while I was praying before the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel together with Fr. Raymond Spies and other pilgrims, I saw a beautiful light beginning to radiate like the sunlight from the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue. When we were praying the Third Glorious Mysteries of the rosary, the Holy Eucharist came down from above. It was approximately 12 noon.
Later, at about 6 p.m., I was again praying before the Blessed Mother's statue, worshipping and praying to the Holy Eucharist placed in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. At about 6:40 p.m., the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue became bright and the Blessed Mother began speaking through her statue with a very sorrowful voice.

My beloved daughter! Even those who say that they know me are spiritually blind and deaf and cannot see or understand (the messages and signs that I bring from God). This Mother's Heart is being so overwhelmed with sorrows that it is burning.
My Son Jesus, Who has Divinity, deserves all the power, honor, glory and worship but comes to you in person in the form of bread, hiding all of His Power, Dignity, Divinity and Humanity in order to save the children who have gotten lost and are wandering. However, (some of those who) have seen so many Signs of Love until now think that the Holy Eucharist, which is the Substance of Jesus, Who is alive, is breathing and wants to be with you, is just a host, and they judge (the Signs) . . .
Ah! I am sad. The number of the children who understand the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, truly accept it, and make the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist known is extremely small.

The Blessed Mother wept so sorrowfully, as if her Heart was being torn apart. A while later, she resumed speaking with a sorrowful and anxious voice.

My beloved children! My Son Jesus, Who has become covered with Blood on the Cross and is wearing the crown of thorns instead of a royal crown, comes to you because of His Love (for you) in order to save even those who are most wicked. The Lord, Who is your Savior, loves all the children in the world so much that He comes to you in the form of bread. However, (you) are wasting time uttering useless words instead of thanking Him and worshipping Him with fervent love and a devoted heart. Hurriedly worship and pray to the Holy Eucharist, which is the Bread of Life, with a most sublime heart, and, thus, do reparations for the insults that my Son Jesus, Who is truly present in the Holy Eucharist, receives and give consolation to Him.
Children! My beloved children! There is no time to pause and hesitate. Hurriedly spread the messages of my Immaculate Heart that is burning with love to the children in the world and, thus, help the poor and pitiful children, who are mired in sins, gain a new life and be saved.
Many children in the world have lost their sense of direction in the middle of a whirlpool of confusion, are unable to discern, are spiritually confused and unstable, and are trying to follow false prophets like people who have become so weak that they are reduced to skin and bones. The devils must be overjoyed.
Therefore, wake up from sleep hurriedly and respond to the Mother's pleas, which she makes to you shedding tears and tears of blood, and turn your lives into prayers. Cry out to the children in the world so that the devils, who have been afflicting you, may be finished off and you may gain Heaven.
All of you, whom I have chosen, must unite with each other with a greater love and must soften the just anger of God as little souls. You must realize that God can make you successful and prosperous, But He can also exterminate you (the human race) and sweep you away. I want all of you to wake up hurriedly and be saved, offering up fervent prayers and practicing love.

When the Blessed Mother ended speaking, the light disappeared and it became quiet.

June 30, 1997

More than 30 priests from Korea and other countries came to Naju and concelebrated Mass in commemoration of the 12th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping in Naju. While I was in meditation after Communion, I saw a vision of the world that was turning into darkness without any light. From the darkness, I heard the sounds of many people screaming, even though I could not see them. I cried out loudly, "Lord! Have Mercy." I felt a heart-breaking pain thinking about these children of God who were unable to find their way, wandering and screaming in the darkness.
I cried out again, "Let us repent. Repentance is the shortcut to salvation. God will save us without asking questions about our past, if we pray, asking God to forgive our mistakes and accepting everything as our own fault instead of the faults of others." Then, many people's sighs and wailing turned into a weeping of repentance and prayer. At that moment, bright light began radiating from a point in the sky and the beautiful Mother of Mercy, wearing a blue mantle and carrying the Baby Jesus, appeared, surrounded by the angels. As she was coming toward us, the light continued spreading making the whole world bright. Numerous people who had been crying saw the light and stood up, cheering the Blessed Mother. However, there also were many who were paying no attention to the light and not responding. At that moment, the Blessed Mother began speaking in a loving and meek way.

Daughter! Did you see that? The majority of the shepherds in the church are not accepting me even now. Because of this, the world is covered with a terrible darkness and is about to sink into a deep chasm of darkness. The darkness in the world has become so dense that the world now stands at the crossroads. (This crisis) manifests itself in the Church as the deepening divisions and the apostasy, which is found even among priests. Numerous clergy and children are not only refusing to accept my invitation but are showing an outright defiance to it, cruelly nailing my Son Jesus to the Cross again.
However, you came from many places around the world to commemorate my tears and tears of blood, responding to my invitation with "Amen." Therefore, I will embrace you all in my burning Immaculate Heart and nurture you afresh.
My beloved priests! My lovable sons whom I can put in my eyes without feeling any pain! Upon the priests who accepted the invitation to my banquet, I will bestow special graces. They may appear weak now, but, as I know that they will believe in, accept, and practice my words well, I will help them take many herds of sheep to Heaven. As God recognized Abraham as a just man for his firm faith, I will recognize you who are following me and making me known and will put laurel crowns on you and let you stand by my side at the time of the Last Judgment.
However, children, do not be unwatchful or complacent. The devil knows well about the graces you have received and will try to cut you off from my love by wickedly and cruelly making you follow your own self-will (ignoring my pleas) and thereby become scattered and proud. Therefore, always remain awake and pray with me. This Mother's Heart is hurting so much because of the priests and numerous children who are like the Pharisees, who were filled with curiosity, chasing after miracles instead of comforting me, who am imploring you with tears and tears of blood even at this time.

When the Blessed Mother said this, tears flowed down from her eyes. She resumed speaking anxiously but lovingly.

Not only the children who do not know me but even the clergy are not recognizing my anxious pleas that I am making, shedding tears and tears of blood, and are preparing useless schemes and getting caught in their own traps. . . They are not only refusing to listen to my words but also refusing to find out about facts, filled with curiosity and rejecting me with no fear of God and with a distorted mind. I am overcome with sorrows.

The Blessed Mother continued weeping.

My beloved children! I will let the light, love and grace from my immaculate heart overflow in all of you who came seeking me, who has been imploring (you) with tears, despite the long distance.
In this dangerous, extremely dangerous age, you will surely see new buds sprouting even on the burnt ground, when you realize that this Mother is necessary to all of you and follow me. Upon all of you who have been invited to my great banquet, I bestow God's blessing together with my love. Now, receive the Lord's blessing.

At that moment, I made the Sign of the Cross and came out of the ecstasy hearing the priest giving the blessing at the end of the Mass. I saw Jesus giving the blessing together with the priest, standing behind him.

June 30 1997 (During the Overnight Prayer Meeting)

Four to five thousand people including Korean and foreign priests gathered and prayed in the Naju Gymnasium in commemoration of the 12th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping in Naju. The Blessed Mother's statue, which had wept, was placed in the Gymnasium. I heard the Blessed Mother's beautiful voice from her statue.

My beloved sons, priests, and my children! There are so many crowds of people who betray this Mother like Judas everyday, but thank you who are taking part in my great banquet to comfort me. Even those who did not have the intention to comfort me also came here at my invitation. Therefore, I will embrace you all in the streams of my mercy and in the light from my Immaculate Heart and will nurture you and make you breathe in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart. In whatever distresses, adversities, and destitution you may be, abandon curiosity and have complete trust (in me). Even if it seems that sins are approaching the saturation point and darkness is covering up everything, I will perform miracles of love through you, who are trusting and following me.
My dear, lovable babies! Too many souls, who are not abandoning curiosity and are loitering around, are fascinated by false prophets and become unable to discern because of the devil's temptation. Therefore, I ask that you faithfully practice my messages of love hurriedly and that you do not look at this Mother with human eyes or judge her with human thoughts. If you entrust yourselves to me totally with trust and confidence instead of reasoning and logic, respond to me with "Amen," and make me known, my efforts will soon become victorious thanks to your cooperation; you will be laughing at the big liars who distrust me, the Mother; and you will soon see the day when you will know what a great happiness it is to trust and follow the Heavenly Mother despite the accompanying pains.
I bestow blessings on all of you who are gathered here, together with the Love of my Son Jesus Whom I love extremely.

June 12, 1997

His Excellency Bishop Paul Chang Yeol Kim, head of the Cheju Diocese in Korea, and Fr. Anthony Jung Yong Kim, an elderly priest in the Kwangju Archdiocese, came to the Blessed Mother's House. Bishop Kim and Father Kim were conversing with Rufino and myself in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. Bishop Kim said that the Sacred Hosts that had turned into visible Flesh and Blood and the Sacred Hosts that had come down from above before should have been preserved. He was expressing concern over the indifference in the Church.

When the Bishop was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, the Sacred Hosts must be preserved," light began radiating from the Crucifix. Then, the Bishop said, "Let's pray together." At that moment, a white object was descending. I tried to receive it in my hands, but it was so sudden that I could not receive it. The white object fell on the altar before the Blessed Mother's statue making a loud sound. The Bishop, the priest, and others present heard the sound of the white object falling on the altar and went closer to the Blessed Mother's statue. Rufino shouted, "Oh, the Eucharist! The Eucharist!" The Bishop looked at the Sacred Host and knelt immediately, saying, "Jesus Who is living!"

I knelt, too, unable to control my tears thanking the Lord for giving a sign to the Bishop who was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, the Sacred Hosts must be preserved." I continued weeping, remembering how all of us who love the Blessed Mother were crying and feeling pain when the seven Sacred Hosts that came down on June 30, 1995 could not be preserved. Then, I heard the loving, kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.

My beloved daughter! Today is truly a joyful day. This Bishop, who came to me saying 'Amen' to the call of this Heavenly Mother, understood my concern and gave me consolation. Therefore, God manifested, with a special love, a sign of love by sending down the Eucharist personally, which is a substantial presence of Jesus Christ. God promised an inheritance to Abraham, not because he observed the laws well. God recognized him as a just man because of his faith and bestowed graces even upon those who were his followers. Likewise, all the souls who believe in the sign given to you today and follow it will receive the same graces as you.
Beloved Bishop! My dear son whom I can put in my eyes without even feeling any pain! Make it known in a hurry. Make known to everyone the Mystery of the Eucharist, in which the Lord is truly present, and the burning love of my Immaculate Heart and, thus, help the little soul whom I have chosen. When you follow me, keeping in mind that helping her is helping me, I will mark you with a seal of flames of the sublime and powerful love from my burning Immaculate Heart. Therefore, do not avoid me or be hesitant because of the desires of the corruptible body, face-saving and others' eyes.
In the Church, covering up one's own faults, having the spirit of being critical of others, and being quick and thorough about finding fault in others are what theorists do, not priests. That is because, even though reasoning is necessary, one must not jump to impatient judgment on the love of the soul who is immersed in love.
Because even many of the clergy know with their brains and say with their mouths that a pursuit of the world and the flesh will lead to perdition and that a pursuit of the spiritual matters will lead to eternal happiness but are not practicing it. I called the Bishop, who is following me, in a special way and wish to spread the burning love of my Immaculate Heart.
Become littler. I invite you to Heaven where only little souls can enter. Because the gate of Heaven is small and large souls cannot enter it, you must become littler continuously and bring many souls to me so that they may be nurtured with my spiritual milk of love and become little souls.
My babies who have been invited to become little souls! The cup of God's wrath is overflowing, because the world has reached a saturation point with sins and great degradation,. Expedite your efforts, remembering that the time of judgment is being delayed because of the little souls despite their small number. When the number of the little souls increases, God's voice of wrath and breath of anger will turn into blessing and this world will become the Kingdom of the Lord.
It is now the very time of purification. Hurriedly hold my hands and stay in the burning Sacred Heart of Jesus and the burning Immaculate Heart of this Mother. And offer up yourselves totally and spread the Lord's love according to the wish of this Mother, who is the Helper in Redemption, in order to save this world which has become corrupt and polluted in great degradation. Then, even the souls who are rushing on the road to hell may return to the bosom of the Church through you who think that you are unqualified.
My beloved little souls! My Son Jesus saved numerous souls with His cruel and terrible sacrifices. But numerous children continue offending (the Lord) and are not responding to the sublime love in (His) sacrifices. But the burning Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart are waiting for the return of all the children by leaving the door widely open and wish that this obstinate and wicked world will repent hurriedly and that the Kingdom of the Lord will be accomplished.
My dear souls who have responded to my anxious calls! I already said, 'Those souls who carry their crosses following the Lord, spread and practice the Gospel, and accept my messages of burning love will be saved and enjoy eternal life.' However, numerous souls implore me for help as if hanging on to a life buoy only when they are in pains and, when they receive the graces they have been asking for, return to their miserable lives instead of reforming their lives and practicing my messages of love because of the preposterous false rumors and their pride. That is why my Heart is hurting so much that I make a request to the Bishop who came to me today. Help prepare a tabernacle beside me and celebrate Mass. Consult with the Bishop (of this diocese) and the Pastor so that Masses can be celebrated (in the Chapel). Quench my thirst by complying with my earnest and anxious request. That way, prepare wholesome opportunities to present the joy of love and repentance to those souls who have become so infected with sins that they have even lost their sense of direction and are wandering about.
Now, consecrate your souls to the cause that is precious to me and become dissolved in the divine virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity in a holy and universal way. As I will always be beside you who are following me, do not have fear of anything but spread (my messages). Those who are now opposing and criticizing you will beat their chests and repent later, making the number of the people on your side increase. The reason why I speak often and repeat my request is that many of the clergy, religious and (lay) children do not understand my words. Who will be responsible, if the herds of sheep which have become lost get dispersed and fall into hell?
The subjects of Satan are dazzling many souls even by secretly employing spiritualism. Therefore, hurriedly discern (them) and spread my messages of love solidly to the whole world. Thus, let us enjoy eternal happiness together with the Lord Who is truly present in the Eucharist. You, who are following me and working for me, will surely stand by my side and see the glory.

June 2, 1997

Julia Kim of Naju, Korea visited Hong Kong and Macao from May 23 to May 29, 1997, giving testimonies to the signs and messages from Our Lady. On May 25, Sunday, Julia and her companions attended Mass in the Chapel at the Pastoral Care Center for the disabled in Kowloon. during the Gospel reading, Julia saw the blessed Mother appearing behind the altar, between the Crucifix and her statue and received a message from her. After Mass, Julia returned to her hotel room and began writing down the message. Soon, the devil came with a large army of his subjects and began attacking Julia. he said, "How daring you are to come even to this place! I have put in so much effort here, and the prey is almost ready (for me to swallow). And now you come here, and try to spoil it for me!" He was so filled with anger. The devil and his subjects physically attacked Julia. The fight was so fierce that Julia fell down on the floor and became unconscious. Fr.Francis Elsinger of Hong Kong and Julia's interpreter were notified by phone and rushed to Julia's room. Fr. Elsinger began praying over Julia. About 15 minutes later, Julia opened her eyes and sat up. she said that it was the devil's attack and also that the devil was repelled when Our Lord and Our Lady appeared. She said that a powerful light then radiated from the two hands of Our Lord and penetrated Julia's two hands. Fr. Elsinger and the interpreter saw clear stigmata on both of Julia's hands. Julia was asked if there was much pain in her hands and answered, "Yes." The Stigmata on Julia's hands lasted several days. The following is Julia's testimony:
During a Mass at the Hong Kong Pastoral care Center for the Disabled, the Blessed Mother appeared as the Mother of Mercy, wearing a blue mantle, holding a scapular in her left hand and an ivory-colored rosary in her right hand, and with a bright light surrounding her head. Soon her blue mantle turned into a white mantle. She stretched out her hands toward us, who were attending the Mass, and then put her two hands together for prayer. This happened during the Gospel reading from Matthew 28:16-20 about Our Lord, just before the Ascension, giving the mission to His disciples to spread His teachings to the ends of the world.

The Blessed Mother was smiling beautifully and lovingly and began speaking:

"Dear children! Remember that I am always with you wherever you may be in the world. Especially console the disabled by letting them know that I love them very much. The devil is so active, employing all the available means to topple you. However, remember that I am guarding and protecting you who are following me and entrust yourselves totally to me with faith and trust. I also want you to practice my messages of love. If you accept my words well and live them in union with each other, my messages of love will spread to China also, they (the people of China) will accept the Lord, and their souls will change. Therefore, for the conversion of sinners and for peace in the world, pray and make reparations and do penance without ceasing. Whenever you pray, I, your Heavenly Mother, pray with you. However, I cannot pray with you, when you pray for selfish intentions. My beloved children! Always remember that the door of my Ark of Salvation, an Ark larger that the universe, remains open and that I wish all the children in the world to come aboard the Ark and help me so that not only you but also (other) sinners may repent and gain Heaven. If you all love following my messages of love, the just anger of God the Father will be softened and the Lord will be comforted. To all of you, I give a blessing in the Lord's Love. An-nyoung (Good-bye)."

January 1, 1997
Feast of Mary, the Mother of God

While suffering extreme pains since last night, I went to the Chapel at about 9 a.m. at the Blessed Mother's call. The Blessed Mother's statue, which had wept before, was in the Chapel. I was barely able to remain sitting up, supported by others, and offered up a candlelight and prayed for the Holy Father, the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio, the Archbishop, the Pastor, my spiritual director, and all other clergy and religious.

A while later, it became bright in front of me. The statue disappeared, and, instead, the live Blessed Mother appeared wearing a white dress and a blue mantle. She had a shining golden crown on her head and was holding the naked Baby Jesus in her left arm and an ivory-color rosary in her right hand. Their beauty was beyond description. While I was looking at Them dumbfounded, the Blessed Mother began speaking with a very kind, loving, and beautiful voice.

Daughter! My beloved daughter! At this beginning of the new year, looking at the Baby Jesus, your Redeemer, gracefully offer up the sufferings that have been given to you and become more and more (like) an innocent child. I have allowed you more sufferings, because sacrifices by little souls are necessary to save this world which has fallen into a great degradation. Therefore, entrust this new year and the new days completely to the motherly love of the Mother of God, let your souls become even smaller like the Baby Jesus, and make a new beginning so that the dispersed flocks of sheep may return.
Even many of my close children who say they are making the Lord known eat, drink, dance, and enjoy themselves excessively at year-end parties and join forces with the devil, which does not lead to good results. That is why you are suffering pains on order to save them. Accept the pains gratefully. If you offer up prayers and pains with joy and love, united with the love of my Immaculate Heart, on the last day of the year and on the day the new year begins, the dispersed flock of sheep will return.
All my beloved children! Even today, I am waiting with my arms outstretched, earnestly wishing that the children, who have alienated themselves from the love of the Lord and me and become miserable slaves of their sins, will return to God. Because most of the children in this world are not awake, the devil lays traps and many souls are falling into his temptations and are rushing on the road of degradation. Because of this, the wrath of God has reached its extremity, and, before long, the day will come when they will cry and wail. Therefore, wake up hurriedly and pray. If you keep in mind my words, with which I implore you shedding tears of blood, and follow them, new buds will sprout even on the burnt ground. But many keep their hearts tightly closed. . .

The Blessed Mother was silent for a while and, then, continued.

You must wake up hurriedly and pray, because the flames of self-righteous egoism and intense hatred are about to burn and obliterate even the good works of the innocent people, and evil is spreading like a horrible cancer. This Mother in Heaven, who loves and comforts you, will let you, who are my lovable children, know about an amazing plan of salvation and let you penetrate it (=understand it clearly). Therefore, hurriedly and courageously unite with the Pope, who is the first son of my beloved Church and be embraced in my bosom of love which is broader than the universe. To all the children who come here seeking me and are comforting me, I will feed them spiritually with the milk that I gave to the Baby Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem, protect them in my mantle and let them enjoy peace. An-nyoung!

November 25, 1996 - about 3 a.m.

I saw a vision while meditating during the second part of the overnight prayer service. I saw a large Crucifix. Jesus on the Cross was alive. He instantly became covered with Blood, because people were scourging Him, nailing Him to the Cross, throwing arrows at Him, piercing Him with sharp swords, and pressing a crown of thorns on His Head whenever they sinned.

The Mother of Mercy, wearing a blue mantle, came closer to the right side of Jesus, Who was covered with Blood. As the Blessed Mother embraced Jesus, weeping sorrowfully, she also became covered with Blood. She was overwhelmed with sorrows and choked with sobbing. I was also stretching out my arms and crying. The Blood was also dripping on my hands. Many people were passing by Jesus, Who was bleeding, without paying any attention to Him or noticing Him. The Blessed Mother watched this and wept sorrowfully. She began speaking with much sadness.

The Blessed Mother:

My beloved priests and children! The Lord, Who loves you so much, continues bleeding like this. My Heart becomes torn apart for pain, while I watch this. Shouldn't you wipe away His Blood and sweat?

In this current age, how numerous are heretics and false prophets who are using my Son Jesus' name and mine in trying to lead even the holy Church into a whirlpool of disorder and confusion with cunning temptations and deceptions… Therefore, dear priests and children who have been called by me! Work hard hurriedly to help the numerous children, who are swaying in stormy seas of clever but false teachings and are swarming to this place and to that place, come aboard the Mary's Ark of Salvation. Harvest is so plentiful, but workers are scarce. That is why I have called and healed many children just before their death so that they may work as instruments of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my burning Immaculate Heart. But …

The Blessed Mother paused, weeping sadly. She continued with a choked voice.

There are so few children who are making me known and following me. There should be unity in the Church, with Christ as her head and with all the parts connected to each other. But, because many insist on their own (ego) and are mired in pride, they are unable to form one body and properly perform their functions.

All the priests and children in the world whom I love! You must all become one with Christ as the head. Then, every part will become precious. How painful it would be, if even one of the parts in the body is torn apart from it! The parts have different forms and different functions, but, if they perform their functions well and cherish each other more dearly, the devil, who has been afflicting you, will perish by himself and your names will be recorded in the book of eternal life in Heaven. Therefore, always remind yourselves that my Son Jesus is not sparing even the last drop of His Blood in atonement for your sins in order to save you all.

Now, as you see the many signs that the Lord is giving you through me, if you believe my pleas and accept and practice well the messages of love that I have been giving you, you will soon see the dawn of the new era. Good-bye! An-nyoung!

November 21, 1995

In this period of purification, the devils, my enemies, are mobilizing all kinds of deceptions even showing many supernatural phenomena and miracle-like occurrences. This way, they are misleading not only the innocent and good-willed souls, but also some priests and religious by instigating their curiosity and making them believe (the deceptions), bringing about confusion.

September 22, 1995

My little souls who have been called! You will experience misunderstanding and persecution in the Church which has been wounded and divided. But I will always dwell in you and encourage and help you at your side. Therefore, do not fear but make known with trust My living Presence in the Holy Eucharist. I have shown signs several times through my little soul to enlighten the many priests and numerous other children who say that they know My Real Presence and My breathing in the Eucharist with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, and yet do not really know it. But only very few children follow Me. Even many priests forget about the sublime simplicity of the Holy Eucharist, which is My Physical Presence, and of the Gospels which I teach, and they are trying to spread Me with deceptive talk and complicated reasoning. This is like throwing mud at simple people.

July 1, 1995

My beloved soul! It has been ten years since My Mother Mary began shedding tears and imploring you in order to bring to Me all the children in the world who are filled with pride and hastening on their way toward hell. The Heavenly Mother, who deserves to be respected, is receiving extreme insults and pains instead of respect from the numerous children in the world. Offer up to the Heavenly Mother all of your suffering heart that has desired to comfort her.

June 18, 1995

The time when God the Father will speak with a stern voice of judgment is approaching. You must protect yourselves with prayers, sacrifices, penance and consecration. My Heart has already been torn apart into pieces and my bloody tears and bloody sweat are pouring down on the earth. I have already told you that the terrifying judgment of God will come down. As you know, that day will come like a thief at night. Destruction will come suddenly, when people are singing of peaceful and secure times. It will be like the pains of delivery to a pregnant woman, which are sudden and yet certain and cannot be avoided. The souls who accept my messages that you are spreading are accepting me. Those who reject them reject me and reject the Father in Heaven.

Jan. 21, 1994

Courageously and hurriedly spread my messages of love to the whole world so that all my children may respond to the words I give them shedding tears and tears of blood and that they may repent. If you accept my words without reservation and follow Jesus in this world which is becoming more and more miserable, you will experience my presence filled with motherly love in this age of dangerous trials; this world will become purified resulting in the softening of God's just anger; the victory of my Immaculate Heart will be achieved, bringing the Lord's Kingdom into this world; and, you, who are working for me, will surely stand by my side.

July 29, 1988

Tell everyone that a little baby is not a bloody lump, but has a life flowing in it from the moment of conception in the mother's womb.

July 29, 1988

I am overcome with sorrows, because these innocent lives, precious lives given by God, are cruelly trampled, brutally kneaded, crushed, torn, and killed by ignorant and indifferent parents.

July 18, 1985

I want you to be happy. A husband and a wife are joined together so that they may lead a happy life. But my Son becomes broken-hearted when they hate each other and do not forgive each other. You must love one another. Who are your closest neighbours? How can you say that you love me and love the Lord when you cannot even love those in your family? Sanctify your family through love and harmony. This is what my Son Jesus thirsts for.

July 18, 1985

My Heart is broken because of the unlimited birth control. Prevent abortions and pray for those who carry out abortions.

God's signs are here

God uses signs to lead His people on earth. These signs are concrete means which humans can recognize with their senses and intellect. By these signs and by the gift of faith, they can understand God's Will and also receive His life-giving Power flowing through them.

Actually, nature itself is filled with signs that help us feel God's greatness and goodness. The sun, for example, constantly reminds us of God's loving care and His immense power by sustaining all physical life on earth as its energy source. Rain, snow, air, minerals, plants and animals, gravity, the rotation of the earth . . . all these are evidences of God's wisdom and power at work. It would be unfortunate if we closed our minds and remained blind to the meaning and beauty of the signs that always surround us. Gifts from our parents and friends are also signs of love and care for us. It would be unfortunate if we enjoy the gifts but do not appreciate the love and care that come with the gifts. Likewise, recognizing God as our Creator and the source of every goodness and power, without Whom nothing can exist or function even for a single moment, and giving Him glory and our gratitude is a basic mind-set necessary for understanding additional revelations from God.

The Greatest Sign
The greatest sign that God gave to the human race was the Incarnation of the Second Divine Person in our world, His Sacrifice on the Cross and His Resurrection from death. This sign was the utmost representation of God's immense Love and Mercy for us that can bring salvation to everyone who embraces that sign. In fact, it is the only sign by which the fallen human race can be restored to a full friendship with God and, thus, eternal life, because Christ alone can adequately atone for our sins committed against God.

Accepting that sign, however, requires substantial changes in ourselves—in our priorities and the ways we conduct our daily lives, both inner and exterior. It demands our renunciation of ego and vain desires, our observance of God's Commandments and our practice of mercy and love toward fellow humans. Many have missed that sign, because the price of renouncing the ego and subjecting ourselves to God's supremacy and Commandments often seems too high.

God's sign for human salvation did not cease two thousand years ago, but is continuing in our world today through the Church that Christ established. He entrusted His Teachings, Priesthood, the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments to the Church so that His Divine Presence and Work for our salvation may continue until the end of the world. Many have responded well to that sign and reached amazing levels of holiness throughout Christian history. The majority of the human race, however, has rejected that sign and still remains indifferent and even contemptuous toward that sign. As a result, incredible conflicts, miseries, moral decays and errors continue and worsen around the world.

The residents of the City of Nineveh, according to the Old Testament, were living in sins and, therefore, received a warning from God through the Prophet Jonah. Fortunately, the king and people accepted that sign and repented their sins, avoiding the threatened chastisement. The people at the time of Noah, however, scoffed at the warning from God and were soon wiped away by an enormous flood. In 16th Century Mexico, God sent a sign through the Mother of God by means of messages and a miraculous image on a poor farmer's tilma. Because the people believed it to be a true revelation from God, they were able to abandon idolatry and embrace the Catholic Faith.

Mary, the Sign that leads us to God
Now, in our current age, when humans are achieving spectacular materialistic advances but are becoming more and more corrupt morally and spiritually, God is again sending us urgent signs through the Mother of the Savior. God is sending her, because she is the most perfect example of humility, obedience and love in contrast to the pride, defiance and selfishness on the part of the revolting angels and humans. God prepared Mary to be the worthy Mother of God the Son by filling her with graces from the moment of her Conception and entrusted her with the role of the Helper to Christ in His Work of Human Redemption. That is why Our Lady has been coming to us repeatedly to mobilize her children against evil, especially since 1830, when she gave us the Miraculous Medal through Sister Catherine Labouré.

The Signs in Naju, Korea
Most recently, in the small city of Naju, Korea, Our Lady has been literally pouring down amazing supernatural signs. This seems to be her final and decisive effort to mobilize and rescue her children on earth. In addition to the tears and tears of blood through her statue for a total of 700 days, fragrant oil from the same statue for 700 consecutive days and numerous spiritual and physical healings, there have been Eucharistic Miracles twelve times already. These Eucharistic Miracles usually involved the bleeding of the Sacred Host in Julia's mouth as a reminder to us of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist. On November 24, 1994, when the Apostolic Pro Nuncio was present in Naju, and also on July 1, 1995, during the overnight prayer service in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the first tears, the Eucharist miraculously came down to the Chapel in Naju. Every heavenly sign is important, but the Eucharistic Miracles, in particular, are of special significance, because the Eucharist is the living Christ, God and man, the Creator and the Savior Himself. The fact that Christ comes to us with His full Divinity and Humanity through the Eucharist is truly mind-boggling. The real change of the substance of bread and wine into the real, living, and whole Christ occurs in every Mass, but the fact that God sometimes reveals externally the Mystery of the Eucharist normally hidden in the form of bread and wine is also truly amazing and represents a major sign from God. In Naju, Our Lady said, "The Eucharist is truly the Life, the Everlasting Spring, the Manna and a continuing miracle that is no less than the miracles of the Creation of the Universe and of the Redemption." (November 24, 1994)

With regard to these signs, however, there is a danger that we may treat them in a superficial way. It is easy to say that we know about the miracles and messages and we are amazed by them. But what use is there if we stop there and fail to actually respond to the heavenly call? What we need is a clear reading of God's Will contained in His signs and, then, wholeheartedly responding to His Call. The risk of missing the true meanings of the signs and failing to respond to them in a timely manner is so real.

Canon Law: Since the abolition of Canon 1399 and 2318 of the former Code of Canon Law by Pope Paul VI in AAS 58 (1966) p. 1186, publications about new apparitions, revelations, prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed to be distributed and read by the faithful without the express permission of the Church, provided that they contain nothing which contravenes faith and morals.

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